Chapter 7

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It was a nice, cold, chilly morning in the forest. The birds began migrating towards the southern lands for warmth, and the squirrels were almost finished preparing for their long season of slumber. Among the almost quiet forest, two deer laid upon a bedding of moss, twigs and leaves. Ronno, an arrogant, charming, yet soft buck, and Gwendolyn; a gentle, loving doe. Gwendolyn, or Gwen, for short, lifted her head from her night's rest and looked towards Ronno, whom was still fast asleep beside her. The doe moved her gentle hazel eyes towards her stomach, which was enlarged, showing signs of pregnancy. A soft, content smile rush towards her face as she moved her optics back towards the handsome buck who laid beside her.
"Ronno, love. It's time to wake up..." She whispered in a loving, nurturing voice, followed by gentle rasps of her tongue against his forehead. The six pointed male rose his head up, his eyes still full with slumber. Drowsily, he looked towards the beauty that laid before him. A sleepy grin spread across the tan furred lips of Ronno. "Mmm...morning..." His voice was raspy, obviously due to sleep. Gwen chuckled softly towards her mate, lightly licking his deem chestnut fur, aiding him in awakening.
"How are you feeling, Gwennie? Are you hurting at all?" He asked despite how hard, severe and annoying this buck could be, he always had a soft spot towards the one he loves. Maturing also helped play a massive part within that. The chestnut colored doe simply shook her head, "I'm feeling fine...the fawn should be do soon..." Gwen responded in a calming voice. She always had that loving and nurturing side towards her, despite never really having a mother. Her mother was like the Great Prince of the Forest was towards Bambi. She felt love for the fawn, but tried to push her away. Gwendolyn yawned a bit as she stood up onto her hooves, waddling only a bit. Ronno stared towards her belly, realizing how close she was. "I hope I become a good father for my kid...I don't want to be like I was when I was younger..." Ronno quietly prayed. Rising up onto his knees, then finally onto his hooves; the buck followed the female out of the warm thicket, where they laid.
"Ronno..?" Ronno's ears jumped up at the sound of his name. "Hmm? What is it?" Gwendolyn smiled only a bit, before scanning the area quietly. "Have you been thinking of a name for our child?" Gwendolyn asked in a small, mouse-like voice. Ronno sighed only a bit, "I was hoping to name her Rosemary, if she is a doe...and Günter if he is a buck.." Ronno smiled a bit towards his name choices. "Rosemary...that sounds like a beautiful name..."
Ronno only chuckled a little bit. The two walked together in silence towards the lush Meadows. Ronno's eyes watched the ground as he walked calmly. What was this feeling? Was it fear? Anxiety? Guilt? Hatred? Ronno closed his eyes and sighed, only to jump from the voice of his mate. "I know you're scared, Ronno. I hear you call out in your dreams. It can be scary, being a new parent..." Gwen smiled softly, moving her eyes off of the muscular buck, and towards the thick forest. "You will be great...I just know it..." Ronno turned towards her, smiling softly. He didn't know how to exactly take these words of affirmation, mainly because he had a hard time with words like that.
The pair reached the meadow, after a while of walking around. Ronno stopped walking, noticing a very familiar four pointed buck. "Bambi..." Ronno silently said, widening his darkened green eyes only a bit. "Ronno! What the hell are you doing here?" Bambi asked, as if he had caught Ronno attempting a heinous crime. Faline attempted to calm her mate down, whispering in his ear that Ronno meant no harm. Ronno turned towards Gwendolyn, whom laid herself down a couple of feet away from him. "Bambi.." His deep voice rang throughout the area around them. "I don't mean any harm...I know I was quiet rude when I was must believe me..." A loud scream broke through the harsh tension between the two bucks. This scream was caused by Gwendolyn.
"Oh, my! She's going to give birth!" Faline dashed towards the doe, whom writhed in pain. Snorting loudly and thrashing her hooves against the moist, wet dirt. "Here! Bite down upon this bark, I'll help you!" Faline used her mouth to hand her a thick piece of bark, pushing it into the Doe's mouth, knowing she had a probability of biting her own tongue off. "Keep pushing. Try your best to ignore the pain, and think about the joy of having a child!" Faline pleaded with the snorting female. "Augh!" Gwen yelled, spitting out fragments of bark that she had bit off. Sweat, drool and snot rolled down her face as she gave the fawn one last push, before allowing her head to fall upon the ground with a thud.
Ronno didn't know what to say, do, think or feel. He just witnessed his love have a child. He was almost frozen in time. The young fawn, still wet with placenta, picked it's head up and off the ground. It's head wavered as it was within the air. "Ronno..." Bambi whispered, still shocked over the event that just happened. "Ronno, it's a little girl..." Faline whispered, gently using her muzzle to push Ronno towards the newborn deer. Gwen struggled to lift her head. "Oh...Ronno..." She whispered, allowing her head to fall again. "Gwendolyn...we.." He was at a lost for words, "We did it...We are parents..."
Bambi sighed, allowing him to lose his feelings of hostility and animosity towards the rugged buck. He slowly trotted towards him, and asked a simple, yet life-changing question. "What will you name her, Ronno?" Ronno and Gwen exchanged looks for only a second, before answering the Prince. " her name.."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2019 ⏰

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