Devil's Cry

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It felt weird. I knew it was raining, but I can't feel it. And also I felt really confused. Where's Baekhyun?

And why I am with my mother?

"Mother?" I called and tried to reach her. She looks young but still the same.

But what shocked me the most, that I couldn't touch her. I keep trying to hold her, but I can't.

There was only one question in my mind.

Is this a dream?

"Are you lost kid?" My mother asked but not to me, the question was towards the little kid in front of her. She was crouching now and sheltered the kid with her umbrella.

The kid nodded.

Mother smile. "Do you want to come with me?"

There was sadness in the kid's eyes. And they were very familiar to say.

"Are you going to kidnap me?" I was puzzled by the kid's question and mother looks like she was taken aback.

But again she hid it with a sly smile. "Why do you ask like that?"

"If you are going to kidnap me, will you kill me?" his voice was small but it didn't sound cute when he said those things.

It looks pitiful.

"Are you running away from home?" I noticed that both of them kept asking questions without answering them.

The kid nodded.

"Do you hate your parents?" The kid nodded again now looking down at his feet.

Mother pulled the kid closer and gave him a small hug. I could see the kid's shoulder rise and fall. He was sobing, he was crying.

"Do you want to come with me?" Mother asked the same question.

"Just take me away from this bad world, you can kill me if you want also" The kid said in a hoarse voice and do I say for a age maybe 8 year old or less he does have a matured mind.

"Hear this, if you come with me and be a good boy, I will let you stay with me, and have a good life" Mother consoled him letting go of the hug and patting his back lightly.

"Away from my parents?" The kid asked now his voice getting clearer.

"Away from your parents." Mother stated now standing up and took out her hand to the kid.

He was hesitant for a while, but in the end he took it.

"That's more better. What's your name kid?" Mother ask now starting to have a walk hand in hand with the kid in the rain.

"Baekhyun, Byun Baekhyun" he said and suddenly the scene changed.

I was now in a house, my house to be exact in father's study room.

I took in the surroundings and the people in it.

There was a blond teenage Baekhyun and my father.

"So Baekhyun, it seems I can't hide anything from you now" father said looking straightly at Baekhyun.

"Why did you do that? He was my friend." Baekhyun raosed his voice. He was mad. What happened?

"To say that he is more important then us, is it?" Father asked wickedly.

"No but, why did you do that? Why are you doing to this innocent people, why are you making them living dolls, they have a right to live" Baekhyun stammered his reasoning.

Father shooked his head slowly disagreeing with something.

"Beauty never last forver, dear Baekhyun, if they live like that, they're beauty will disappear, it is my job to keep their beauty so it lasts forever."

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