Part Nine- Poison

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The looks I received as I fled from the paddock weren’t kind, and even those who didn’t look angry looked petrified and stepped back as I ran up towards the lake. Sthyss was busy saying sorry all the way and I found it in me to forgive him, I understood why he had wanted to kill her because for a second so had I, finally I stopped running at a heavily overhanging tree that provided enough shade for a whole class to sit under, Willow if I wasn’t mistaken.
I’m sorry, I’m going to get you in trouble.
If I’m not already. I bet Pansy went straight to Snape and bitched all about it.
Don't you find it intriguing; what she said about him telling them about you coming from an orphanage. Why wouldn't he tell them the truth? Why did he tell them anything at all?
I don't know Sthyss, and frankly right now I don't care.” I replied, leaning my bag against the tree so he could slide out of my bag and curl up into a neat pile of scales.
How come you didn’t mention you were from an orphanage?” I looked up sharply because I hadn’t said it and neither had Sthyss; instead it was Harry.
“I haven’t exactly known you for that long.” I said in English, it just seemed unnatural to speak in parseltongue to a human. .
“Good point, do you mind if I-?” he gestured next to me and I shrugged.
“Go for it,” I said, it had been bad enough today as it was, it couldn’t get worse.
“That was a good Defence against the Dark Arts lesson wasn’t it?” Harry asked me, I couldn’t help but notice that he seemed awkward.
“Yeah it was brilliant; I wish I’d been able to have a go though.” I smiled and he laughed.
“Yeah me too, what do you think it would have turned into for you?” he asked innocently, I frowned and pushed my eyebrows together.
“I’m not exactly sure; I don't really know what I’m afraid of.” I lied easily, he nodded, “You?” I asked quietly.
“I wasn’t sure; at first I thought of Voldemort and well then-”
“Harry, what do you know about Voldemort?” I asked, looking into his eyes and he looked down at his hands, his eyes changed and became distanced.
“Well he killed my parents.”
“I knew that, I meant is he what you would call a classic Slytherin?”
“Yes, well except for you- Imogene what happened to your face?” he looked horrified.
“I was wondering the same thing earlier Harry.” Hermione had just peered under the long string-like branches with Ron behind her.
“I-” I paused sighing, who was I kidding I couldn’t tell them the truth. “It was my snake, Sthyss, when he was moulting I irritated him and then he lashed out with the tip of his tail.”
“Really?” Ron asked, he sounded startled and eyed my bag suspiciously.
“A snake’s fangs are not the only weapon one has.” I explained, looking up into the tree where Sthyss had slithered at Harry’s appearance, they followed where I was looking and they all jumped back a few steps.
“What the-?!” Ron looked like he was going to swear violently.
“Just chill!” I shouted, trying to get him to calm down, “He won’t hurt you.”
“But you were telling it to hurt Pansy!” He said confused.
“I didn’t-”
“She didn’t-” I was surprised when Harry stood up for me  at the same time, I smiled thankfully at him and  stood, getting a glittering Sthyss to slide down off the limb onto my arm, Hermione was quiet, and Ron seemed to be a little calmer.
“I was trying to stop him from hurting her, he got kinda angry when she said all that stuff.”
“Is it because of what she said about you not being a Slytherin?” Hermione asked, I looked at her and then down.
“He’s like that sometimes-.” I looked up and saw a shadowy figure come skulking towards the tree with black hair whipping around his face. “Oh bugger.”
I stepped out from between the leaves and walked towards the professor.
“Imogene, what do you think you are doing?” I opened my mouth but he held up his hand. “No I don't want to hear it. If I hear of you threatening or using that thing-” He pointed to my shoulder where Sthyss’ head was peering up at him, hissing almost silently, but still threatening.
“To threaten other students, I will have you expelled, Heir or not, I will see you in detention on Thursday, at six.” He turned sharply on his heel and I just stood numbly on the grass, “He disgusts me, yet he seems different from your other teachers.
No he’s just the same as all the other Slytherin’s I’ve met so far, cruel, harsh and close-minded.” I turned and pushed through the grass-like leaves.
I sighed when the three friends looked up at me and picked up my bag, claiming that I needed to go back to the commons.

On my way back up to the castle I couldn’t help but feel sorry for myself, my first day had gone horrendously and I was relishing the feeling of scales rubbing against my flesh. “Sthyss, why aren’t I like the other Slytherins?” I was glad I wasn’t but I felt like an outsider more than ever.
Because you are better than them; my old master had a sister, you remind me of her more than Salazar, and do you really envy their behaviour?” He was comforting me, well at least he was trying, but as we stepped over the threshold of the school he became quiet and ducked into my robes, not that it made a difference it seemed that even though it had been an hour since the incident with Pansy most of the school seemed to be looking at me. Sighing greatly I tried to go to the library but there were a group of third year girls, most from Slytherin; that were  peering through the bookshelves suspiciously, to scare them more than anything, Sthyss slid down my trouser leg and around onto their table, I heard a scream and they ran as fast as they could. The librarian came and asked me disapprovingly what was happening, and I made a brief excuse that they’d seen a spider or something, and looked back to my book.
It was a book on dementors, and I was interested on just how little actual information there was, from what I was reading it appeared obvious that almost everything was merely ‘theorized’ or ‘believed’.
More people looked at me as they passed and I got fed up of it. Standing I pushed the chair out and stormed out, frustrated and angry and hating school.
“Imogene?” I reached the doors when someone stopped me, I didn’t look up but I knew it was Professor Lupin.
“My last name’s Hydrus professor.” Sthyss tightened around me suddenly and I shifted uncomfortably.
“Alright Miss Hydrus is everything alright there?” I looked up and he was smiling.
“Not really, professor I’m really tired, could I please…” I ran my hand through my hair and gestured to the door behind him. He sighed and pursed his lips, “Go on then.” I walked past him and felt Sthyss loosen, “He’s still watching you.

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