Chapter One

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"Rolland I'm fine I promise." I say with annoyance as my brother fusses around the room. "Ro, Please sit down and rest!" I say jumping up and catching him as he wobbles on his feet. My Brother Rolland Had been Diagnosed with Lung cancer two years ago and was Slowly fighting it. He had chemo and Radiation once a week and The Doctors say that IT looks like it is helping. As great as that was, it still killed me to watch him suffer through this. He had lost so much weight and was now maybe 150 soaking wet, and his hair. Oh man. It use to be down to his shoulders, a light blonde with purple tips. Now,, he was bald, and always wore a bandana over it. He was always tired and was sometimes unsteady on his feet, especially right after Chemo, which was were he came from. I guide my brother to my new bed and help him sit down. "Rolland I'm fine. WHen Oliver gets back have him bring you home. Please?" I ask, Naming Rolland's Husband. Rolland met Oliver in his senior year of high school and six years later they are still together and have been married for three years. He just nods and looks about the place.

"Are you sure you'll be fine here?" He asks, his normally deep booming voice sounding weak and full of exhaustion. I nod and look around. I started my first semester of college tomorrow and today I am moving into my two person dorm room, my roommate still hadn't shown up.

"Yeah I'll be fine, and plus if I need anything you guys are just two hours away." I say reminding him. The university I was going to was three towns away and to be honest. I needed to get out. I loved my brother and I loved Oliver both right to death. But I needed to get out of that house. Since Rolland had been diagnosed It has been a very depression and tension filled household. Not to mention my "aunt" Jeremi's relationship. Jeremi was Oliver's twin sister and she has recently just gotten back together with her daughter's father, making Oliver go Postal. That just added stress and tension into the already crowed house. To many emotions to deal with. I needed this fresh start. Just then Oliver shows back up, Holding the hand of a five year old girl. She spies me and a smile spreads across her face. I open my arms and she lets go of Oliver's hand and rushes to me.

"UNCLE ALLEN!" She giggles as I scoop her up and spin around with her. Last year Oliver and Rolland had been approved to adopt a child. they decided to adopt one from right here in America since Rolland and I both knew the hardships of the Foster system. They adopted a young girl named Annabel who I was proud to call my Niece. The small girl had instantly taken a liking to me and so had I. She was two years older then Jeremi's daughter Regan and the two got along perfectly, but she still rather play and hang out with me. Me leaving was hard for the little girl. She looks up at me and tears spring to her eyes. "Allen do you have to leave?" She cries and clings to me. I nod and hug her back.

"Yea Ana I have to leave. I have to go to school too. See we're both starting new schools.". I say. Annabel was starting Kindergarten in two days. She gives me a weary smile and hugs me again before wiggling out of my arms. She wonders over to Rolland and peers up at him.

"Papa Are you ok?" She asks. He yawn and nods, holding his arms out so he could pull her on top his lap.

"Yeah angel I'm ok. Papa is just Tired." He says. she climbs down from his lap and sits down in my desk chair, taking in the small room. She spots the other bed and points to it.

"Allen whose bed is that?" She asks.

"I guess that would be mine." Comes a voice behind Oliver. Oliver jumps and gives a small yelp as we all turn to look who said that. Standing in the doorway was a tall boy, with thick wavy dark brown hair to his shoulders. He had to have some Indian in him, high cheek bones, dark brown eyes, Tanned skin, and a dark goatee that was scruffy yet groomed all at the same time. He smiles at me and pushes off the door frame. "Hi I'm Shane Deluca, you must be my roommate?" He says, his voice rich and deep making me blush. Why am I blushing? I clear my throat and nod.

THE NEW HORIZON ( BoyxxBoy)(Book 3 in the D.R.O.M.P Trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now