Sometimes people piss me off

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We all have those little things that people do that piss us off.  Well one of mine has to do with grades.

First off I wish my school/family raised me in a way in which it was okay to get a 75 and that that was good. Well I wasn't, and getting anything below a 90 makes me feel like crap because of the standards set by me and those around me when it shouldn't, so I don't like the people who made me think like that.

Then when people complain about a decent grade when they for sure know that someone did worse or maybe even bombed it. I know that I get good grades, but I don't go around complaining about a grade I wish I did better on because I know it can make some one who tried their best but didn't do great feel bad about themselves. Especially when people are like, "IM SO MAD I GOT AND 89"(it's happened and it's stupid).

Or when people get sad or mad at someone for doing something without them. Like I can't talk about going over to my friends house with someone who's not a good friend around? That's stupid. People gotta understand you can't do everything. And I'm sorry if I offended you but countless times I have had people talk about doing something that obviously sounds fun around me but people know I don't give a shit, people gotta get that you can't do everything and people gotta get that. I know this is repetitive but till I feel as if people should grow up.

Yea sorry that was a stupid rant but I gotta get it off my mind. 

And I have a Latin test tomorrow I have decided to bomb because I can.

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