Chapter 2

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Chanel POV

I was texting Justin angrily before my battery could die when all the sudden the elevator stopped, me thinking we reach our floor starts to pack my phone away but then to looks up to see the doors haven't opened. I go over to the button panel and start to push the open button but the door stays closed. Zayn must of got what I was doing because he went over to the door and tried to pull the doors open. He gets to the crack the door open a little but only enough for a tube of lipstick to slide through after that he slides down the wall of the elevator shaft with his head in his hands. I push the emergency button but nothing happens, soon after my phone dies.

"Great I'm stuck in a elevator, how cliche" I say sliding down a wall opposite from Zayn.

"Just something else to add on to my bad day, you know what Zayn, I broke up with my boyfriend today. I don't know if you watch T.V or not but my former boyfriend is the famous Justin Bieber. I think I fell for him because of the attention he gave me because I had other boyfriends that used me like I was a trophy girlfriend. Then he changed he would go to dinner with his so called "friends". I would confront him but he would make himself the victim"

"To me its sounds like your ex-boyfriend was a dick" Zayn responds with a smug look.

What the heck, I thought he was mute. Well it wasn't confirmed, it was just he never talked to anyone. I must of been thinking to long because Zayn spoke again.

"People label you as anything these days without asking the person" he says now right in my face. I take this time to study his face and I believe he was doing the same.

"Why didn't you ever correct them?" I asked.

"Because then they would know my secret" he responds

"What's your secret Zayn Malik?"

"I can't tell you or it wouldn't be a secret anymore Chanel Anderson"

"Sorry for ranting to you" i say trying to change the topic.

"You had get it off you chest I totally understand babe". he responds.

"This would normally be the time I would rant to my best friend Nikki" I say thinking about how she is probably just waiting in our room waiting for me to come up.

"We all have that one friend we will rant to" he replies

"Not to be rude, but you have friends?" I ask only because I see him around campus walking alone.

"Like I said before don't believe everything you hear" He says.

"I know you say it is a secret but I really want to know why you decided to make people think you were mute". I had to ask this because it hasn't left my mind.

"I will give you a hint; my last name" he says with a smirk.

"Well your last name starts with M and Mickey Mouse Club House has to M in it. So I'm guessing one of your family members are the voice of Mickey Mouse"

"Wtf Noo, that doesn't even make sense. What is wrong with you?!!" he says while laughing

"Hey!! that was my favorite cartoon" I say defended

"What are you five?!?" he says still chuckling.

"Nah uh, I'm five and three quarters" sticking my tongue out

"You annoy me" he says with a playful glare

"Good" I say back with the same expression.

"Malik Records" he says.

"oh my cheese and crust" my jaw on the floor

"I'm the CEO's son and soon-to-be CEO" he says with his arms crossed.


I'm sorry but both of my books with have slow updates because I was typing the stories on my laptop my school gave the students. Which they took back for the summer. So I have to type them on my phone and that is difficult for me. Hope you enjoy.

ELEVATOR : ZAYN MALIK Where stories live. Discover now