Chapter 4

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Zayn POV

We have been stuck in this elevator for two hours I'm starting to think no one knows we are in here. The only good thing about this is I'm stuck in the elevator with Chanel and she is beautiful inside out. Right now we are playing 21 questions trying to escape from boredom.

"Chick-fil-la or In-N-Out?"

"Chick-fil-la duh, their waffle fries are to die for" she answers

"Pancakes or Waffles?"

"Waffles, because they have pockets to keep syrup in" I answer

I then hear Chanel's stomach growling. I crawl over to my backpack which is laying against the elevator's wall and take out a package of ring pops. I crawl back and offer Chanel the bag, she opens the bag and pulls a Cherry on out. She then gives the bag back, I quickly grab a Blue Raspberry one and put the bag back in my backpack.

I look up at Chanel and see her already sucking her ring pop. She then pops the ring pop out her mouth.

"Do you always have ring pops in your bag?"

"Yup" I say then pop the ring in my mouth.

"I was once proposed to with a ring pop in 1st grade, I said no because it was watermelon flavored and I hate watermelon" she grinned admiring the ring pop on her finger.

"I got my first kiss in 1st grade"

"Dang, I didn't get my first kiss until I had my first boyfriend" her smiling fading

"Was Justin your first boyfriend?" resting my hand on her knee for comfort

"Yeah he was, he took all my first" looking at my hand on her knee.

"I'm going to call you Nelly" I say changing the subject

"Nelly? That's a new one" not looking at her knee anymore.

"Because we are in a Dilemma"

"Oh God" she groans

"It's starting to get Hot In Here" I snicker pulling my shirt off

"Zayn put your shirt back on" she yells


Just in case u can't watch the video this is Chanel Anderson play by Diamond White

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Just in case u can't watch the video this is Chanel Anderson play by Diamond White

ELEVATOR : ZAYN MALIK Where stories live. Discover now