Chapter Six

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"M-mark," You breathed out quietly, as you answered your phone.

"(Y/N)," He said, voice cracking slightly. He hasn't heard your voice in years. It was a relief to finally hear it. "I needed to t-talk to you, you've been ignoring me for weeks now,"

Sudden anger filled your chest at that statement. He had the nerve to say that you've been ignoring him? And for only a few weeks?

"Try being left behind and ignored for four  years, Mark," You said bitterly, not even meaning to. You never wanted to be mean to Mark, ever. But, his words stung worse than anything else. "You don't even know the feeling,"

You heard him take a sharp breath in, and let out a small sob. You knew he was trying his hardest to hold it in. Mark rarely ever cried around you - it was always when he was really really upset about something.

"I-I never wanted this," he choked out harshly. "I-I never wanted to leave you, I shouldn't have left this far, I-I just couldn't b-be there anymore, I'm s-so fucking s-sorry, (Y/N),"

It broke your heart to hear your best friend breaking down like he did, He didn't want to leave you? Why did he leave you when you needed him the most then?

You didn't respond for a few moments, just listening to Mark's sniffling. You both had known each other long enough to have a comfortable silence settle in sometimes.

"Why'd you leave, Markimoo?"

He let out a small sigh at the old nickname you had given him. "It's why I needed to talk to y-you," he sniffed. "I wanted to explain my actions. They weren't the smartest ones, but I was so angry.."

You pressed speaker on your phone and snuggled up in your blankets on your bed. "From the beginning, please," you asked quietly. "When you mentioned moving after graduation,"

Mark nodded, although you couldn't see. He was sitting in his recording chair, having gotten done with a video before he called. He was scrolling through twitter after he edited the video, making sure it had uploaded and the link was posted. That was when he saw your two other pictures of them.

"I had gotten into an argument a few weeks before I told you that. I was telling my mom about how I wanted to ask you to be my girlfriend," he explained quietly. "I was asking her to lighten up around you because you were an amazing person, but for some goddamn reason she thought you were the worst and was only going to fucking around with me and leave me a few months in the relationship. I told her if you were gonna do that, you would have already done it,"

Your stomach twisted - his mother said that about you? But, you were always so sweet to her, and thought the world of her for bringing your best friend into this world. You were always so grateful that she was there for her son. But, apparently you thought wrong.

"We fought and argued more after that, and it came down to me saying that I was gonna be dating you whether she liked it or not. She told me I wouldn't date you as long as I lived under her roof, and.." he paused, sucking in a breath. "... she kicked me out of the house. Told me I needed to leave after I finished school,"

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