2 - Where He Opens Up

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Addison had been reluctant to explain why she had a cover up on her name, and had yet to tell me - still. But I'd only had her accompany me once, and it would be a second time at the album release party I was attending. I had booked her, and she got the event info, only to text me.

"Addison (Pepper) Potts: You're kidding me, right?"

"How could I be 'kidding you'?"

"I cannot go to an event that is sponsoring music I don't listen to."

"Last I checked I was paying you, so you're going to an event that sponsors music you don't listen to."


"Potts, have you not heard any of her recent stuff?"

"Hell no, why would I?"

"It's nothing like what she made with Fifth Harmony."

"Oh... Well then I guess I do."

I let out a chuckle before I left my phone on my bed in the apartment that I had rented out in LA. I was here way more than I was at my own home, and it killed me. I missed my mom, and my sister. And I definitely missed the few friends I had. Sure I was making friends here but none of them would be the ones I made from high school. Never would they be the ones I laughed over stupid flying bottle caps with, the ones who pissed off freshmen, and more than annoyed teachers and staff. High school was something different. Yet again my job that I had now was something different as well. I traveled the world for hell's sake.

My ringtone startled me from the realization of how incredible my life was. Picking it up, I read the caller ID and a huge smile formed. Answering it quickly, and pressing it to my ear, the smile didn't fade.

"Hi, mum."

"Hi, sweetheart. I saw your performance on Sunday." She was smiling, I could tell, just by the way she was speaking. Then the smile on my own face faltered. "Who was that lovely brunette girl you were with?" Hell, how did she know everything?

"Ah, that's Addison. She works an internship at the interior design place that I hired to do my apartment, mum. She's actually really great. She's goes to CSL for Interior Design. In Long Beach I think? Yeah. Dad liked her a lot." Of course he did, Shawn, she was making you look good.

"I'm very happy for you darling. Addison sounds like a lovely girl."

Wait. Had I told my mother Addison's real name?

I was so dead.

"Yep, yep. Hey, mum, I've gotta go, Andrew is calling me." I lied through my teeth way too easily.

"Oh, alright. Call me back wen you get a chance alright?"

"Yeah. Er- yes. Yes, will do. I love you."

"I love you too. Very proud of you, Shawn." I bit my lip, nodding. Even after I lied to your face? Good to know, mum.

"Thanks. Bye." Hanging up, a let out a heavy breath, running a hand through my hair. Shit I was in deep. I looked down at my phone and then the door of my apartment, almost as if I was expecting Addison to storm through and strangle me.

I drove this time around, since it was a little less formal than an awards show, and well honestly I just wanted to drive myself. I've been driven around by people hired to do so for weeks now, I can save some money on driving myself.

I pulled up to Addison's and sat there, texting her that I was there, and let myself enjoy more of my music.

"I got bitches asking me about the code for the wifi,
So they can tell me about their timeline,
And show me picture of their friends" it was at this point that Addison leaned over and entered the car.
"Just to tell me they ain't really friendssssss"  I stated leaning towards her. She had a smile on her face as she stood in the open doorway.

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