- a quick note -

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Well hello beautiful people!!

I know it's been a hot minute since I touched this book but what a wonderful surprise for you all.

I'm continuing this book.

I have been thinking about it A LOT recently, and did a few minor tweaks to update it to our 2018 year, (not much to change thankfully) and am very excited to get back into writing for this book. There's a lot to go into and believe me with new music and new insight on the characters it's going to be fun.

Now be mindful that I am going to be going at a snails pace. I do live in a world where I have a job and am a full time student. So be respectful of that for me and don't rush me for new content.

This also isn't a Hail Mary for my other Shawn Mendes books. The Silver Linings Trilogy isn't being touched. As well as Acapella. The concepts and dates in those books are too tied to 2016 to continue writing. However! I'm thinking of making a Shawmila book here soon so hold on tight my dudes.

Good things are coming!!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2018 ⏰

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