4 - Where He Regrets His Decisions

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I was at home for a few weeks before I ended back on the road, seeing the summer creep closer and closer to an end. It wasn't until the next Saturday that I heard from Addison again.

"Addison: I'm on my way home (LA) let me know when you're back in the city and we'll get together to do something."

I couldn't help the smile on my face at the text, as tour got pretty lonely outside of my band and opening act. I was dropping songs left and right, including the one I had told Camila about. We hadn't spoken since that night, and realized that a good amount of the songs I wrote for Illuminate had been about her. Which bothered me - incredibly. So while relaxing in my bunk on my way to Radio City I decided to write again. It was just lyrics, and I kept them to myself since it was mostly about the whole Addison situation really.

Addison and I had been talking outside of work for weeks. We got along so damn well and it was crazy how well we meshed. She was one of my good friends now, and she made me smile. I looked down at the paper, my writing scrawled across it messily, a common sight during these kinds of nights. I hastily threw the book on the floor, grabbing my phone and opening up my phone to carelessly scroll through Twitter. But something caught my eye on my feed.

"@dustyshawn: I'm confused??? I thought Sam and Shawn were together???"

Frantically I looked through the fans tweets to find myself with a dilemma. Addison had been hired to accompany Justin Bieber to his vacation, to make it seem like he was over Selena Gomez. How this had happened was beyond me, but I knew that someone would have an explanation. Getting out of my bunk, I ended up hitting my head on the ceiling before tracking down Andrew.

"What the fuck is this?" I asked, flashing a photo of Addison and Justin at my manager as I rubbed my head. His eyes went wide when his brain registered who was in the photo.

"I have no idea. But I'm calling the agency right now." He spoke rushed, fumbling with his phone. I sighed, feeling a little panicked. Camila. She knew. Quickly going to my messages I knew I had to text her.

"Please for the love of God keep your mouth shut about Sam. This whole situation needs to be taken care of professionally. And lord knows you nor I need the drama."

"Read at 8:26 PM"

God damn it Camila, I don't need this right now. I took a deep breath, sitting down and holding my head in my hands. I heard my phone go off, and quickly grabbed it.

"Addison: I'm sorry. I fought with them so hard to keep your slate clean. But they needed someone and his staff was paying twice what yours was. I'm so sorry Shawn."

"Forget it. Forget the fact that all of my accusations of being gay were shot down once I started having you by my side. Forget that I trusted you with shit that only my management and my best friend know. Forget that you were going to be counted as one of my relationships. I can't believe you agreed to take this Addison. After everything we've fucking told each other, and relied on each other for."

"Addison: Shawn I needed the money, okay, I'm sorry."

"As if your current pay check wasn't enough right now."

"Addison: my brother couldn't pay his half of the rent, ok."

Suddenly, I found myself very confused. Because in all of our conversations together, I knew - surely I thought that I did - that Addison didn't have another sibling other than her sister.

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