7 - Where Walls Fall

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(ATTENTION: This chapter contains scenes that may be disturbing to readers. Readers be advised.)

Most of the remainder of the flight was either quiet, or filled with argument. The biggest issue was that Addison didn't have a job now. She was in Amsterdam with a passport and not enough cash to get her through the trip, alone the next three months. Getting off the plane, I was careful to eliminate my mood as we headed to a car to get us to the hotel. Once in the car, I heard the girl sigh. "This is your own fault. Don't sigh like you want me to give you pity."

"I don't want you to. I want you to realize I did this for a bigger reason." Furrowing my eyebrows I snapped back at her.

"And what would that be?"

"Shawn, I enjoy your company. I like being around you. You're the only person I've really clicked with. You're my only friend. Instead of being mad at me for quitting a job I hated, you could be proud of me for following my heart."

"Does your heart want you to go bankrupt?" I snarled back as the car stopped and she looked at me angrily.

"It wants me to persuade you to fall in love with me." She muttered, climbing out with her bag, leaving me in the car with a surprised look on my face.

"Wait!" I climbed out, seeing her waiting for me, offering her hand. It occurred to me there was cameramen everywhere. So I took her hand and followed her into the building, not speaking until we were in the lobby, in line for check in. "You want me to love you? Was that your plan the entire time?" I asked which made her giggle for some reason.

"Of course. That's why I stuck around so long." She was smiling which made me chuckle. "But really, I didn't intend on that. It's cause I fell for you and now I'm one of your sorry unrequited love songs." When she looked back up to me with her shining hazel eyes, I was quick to move and kiss her. This kiss was nothing like the one at that party where Addison had tried to help me.

This one was... this was the one you see in every single cliché movie ever written. Where the two had been fighting and the other suddenly realizes their love for the other. It looked like that scene, but it felt familiar, like wrapping yourself in a blanket you lost somewhere in your closet two years ago. You knew the blanket, and were vaguely familiar with it, and you didn't realize how much you missed it until you found it. Am I comparing kissing Addison to a damn blanket? Wow. So romantic. Mom would be proud - not.

I finally came back to the moment and Addison was pulling away. She looked at me with a smile that maybe inferred that she thought that I was keeping up the act for the dozen of cameras outside. Once we checked in, and I escorted her to her room, she turned to me to say goodnight, but I simply wrapped an arm around her waist, cutting her off. "You're not an unrequited love song of mine. You're a beautiful melody of your own. You've got your own lyrics, and a bubbly chorus, but a strong sense of confidence to it. You're better than any song I could write, Addison." I spoke softly, before kissing her forehead. "Goodnight." I smiled at her before letting myself into my room across the hall.

I fell back on my bed, looking at the ceiling and sighing. I ended up grabbing my song book, flipping through the pages that had made up the album I was about to release. Sitting up, I grabbed a pen and my guitar. "I can't see one thing wrong between the both of us. Be mine, be mine, anytime, anytime. You know I've been alone for quite some time." I mumbled to myself, humming and smiling as I wrote out words that went through my head. It was four in the morning that I realized I should've gone to bed way earlier. Yet I couldn't do that when I had so much to finally write about. I eventually did go to bed, getting a total of two hours in before having to get up, shower, get dressed and get breakfast. When I got downstairs, Addison sat reading her phone, talking with... Andrew?

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