Chapter 10

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I feel so bad for not updating in a week i hope you can forgive me. Ily all so much. In this chaper please try to imagine everything thats happening! Picture it in your head. To me its so emotional


Chapter 10

As i almost drifted off to sleep in Nialls arms i heard a creak of the door. I looked to my right to see Niall sleeping peacefully next to me. A pang of guilt hitting me knowing it was my fault his baby boy died. Our baby boy died!

I looked at the door and saw four boys heads peaking through the gap. They saw me looking towards the door and opened it completly walking in with bright smiles upon their faces, but my face told a different story. My eyes were sore and itchy, most likely red with mascara stains dried on my cheeks, expressionless and a small frown perched on my dry lips.

They soon realised my face was showing the opposite to what they expected and looked at each other with worry.

"Wheres our little James then" Harry said giddily sitting on the end of my bed. I didnt reply just stared back at him blankly. I looked at the boys, the hope draining slowly from there eyes as they came to terms with the fact something wasnt right.

I felt Niall shuffle slightly beside me and moan a little.

"Go back to sleep Sky" he whispered lightly not realising the boys were in his presence. He looked around and saw 4 pairs of eyes looking at him waiting for someone to speak. He looked at me and noticed i was trying to hide away my sadness.

"Boys can we talk outside" Niall said getting up. His white socks shuffling across the floor pulling up his grey sweat pants. The boys followed but Liam turned around before he left the room. He gave me a sympathetic look like he understood what had happened. He shut the door and there i was left in the room all alone.

I couldnt stand it any longer, i cant hold it in any longer. I choked a little sniffling lightly as a small tear dripped from my eyes onto the white bed sheet below. For once in my life i didnt try to stop crying.i just cried. I cried and cried like i was the only one left in the world because right now i couldnt care any less. My babies gone, hes gone and hes never coming back.

Nialls POV.

We left the room and stood in the corridor silently. Nobody spoke. Everybody was waiting. Waiting for me to say whats happened.

My heart was aching. Ive lost my son. My baby boy is gone and Sky has lost a child that she carried for 6 and a half months. Why did we have to go through all this to have so much heart ache and the agony of losing some body we love. The boys were so happy! They were going to be uncles. But the fans! They know about Sky! The cameras before we entered the hospital. It would of been all over the internet in a matter of minutes.

"Whats happened Niall." Zayn said stuffing his hands into his pockets.

I dragged my hands through my knotted hair sniffling up the tears that wanted to fall.

"Hes dead" i mumbled almost silently

"Pardon?" Louis said putting his hands around his ears

"I SAID... Hes de-ad" i shouted choking on my own words.

There faces dropped, the remaining smiles dissapeared. Harry leaned against the wall sliding down to the floor slumping his curls into his knees. Liam bent down placing his hand on Harrys shoulder.

Zayn bowed his head placing his fingers onto the bridge of his nose.

I looked up to the ceiling another tear spilling down the side of my face.

"THEY'RE THERE" We heard a woman cry from the end of the ward. Our heads snapping up to see dozens of flashes and microphones dashing down the halls. We all looked at each other. Harry stood up quickly racing down the ward, we all followed a tear straying from Liams glazed eyes. I grabbed his arm and pulled him along skidding into a disabled bathroom and locking the door.

"Fuck this shit" Harry screamed smashing his hand against the mirror, cracks trailing in different directions before shards falling from the wall.

Louis already on the floor his face hidden in his hands i stood there as i watched how distraught the boys were. Everybody was coming to the harsh reality that James is dead. And hes not coming back!


I will update more regurly soon. So sorry for slowness. Love you all

Mia xx

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