Chapter 17

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Keep losing interest in writing this book....

Mainly because ive been choosing my options (GCSE) and been swamped with homework. I just want to thank you all for being so so so supportive, it really means a lot to me so at the end of this chappie if you want to ask any questions about anything, don't be afraid to ask.

So here we go the next update! Hope its okayyy


Chapter 17

Nialls POV

"Sky? Sky? Wake up" i pleaded, shaking Sky's body gently. I looked up to Harry, his brows knitted together in deep thought.

"Harry, where... Where are you going?" I asked watching him disappear into the darkness of the kitchen only to emerge with a pint glass full of water, Harry bent down giving me sorry eyes as i watched him forcefully throw the water at Skys face....

"Slap her" Harry said holding her head

"What?" I asked. surely i just misheard what he said..

"I said slap her, NOW!" He said with a tone of urgency in his voice

"Why? No i'm not slapping her" i said in confusion.

Why does he want me to slap her?

"You fool! We need to get her awake! slap her. I'm not doing it" he said.

Suddenly it clicked in my mind. I raised my hand and shut my eyes

"Im so sorry sky." i whispered before swinging my hand down, connecting with her face, guilt over came me as i saw a red hand mark on her cheek, tears stung my eyes.

"Niall, niall shes waking up!" Harry said shaking my arm. I looked down as i heard a subtle, painful, sounding noise come from my girlfriends chapped lips. Her body moving so slowly.

"Niall..." she whispered looking up at me, her eyes bearly open.

"You're okay love! You're okay. Im here for you, just relax." i said wiping the hairs from her face and gently kissing her forehead.

Harry was holding her body up as she sat on the floor holding her head.

"Im bleeding!" she gasped quietly. I nodded, hugging her tighter to me.

"Liam! Liam! Louis? ZAYN? Anyone! can you help us out here." Harry shouted, his accent slipping through as we heard the floor boards creak above us. three figures appearing at the top of the stairs.

"Can someone get some bandages" I said watching Louis run past us.

"Got em' " he said jogging back to us.

Liam and Zayn had already joined us, crouching by Sky for assistance.

"Should i call anybody?" Liam said leaning back and grabbing the home phone from the side.

"I think she'll be fine. Zayn can you google what we could do to help with the pain and the bleeding." Harry said as he motioned us to help Sky up the staircase.

Me, Harry and Liam slowly lifted her, gently taking her up the stairs, slowly, making sure we didn't put a foot wrong. We entered our room and set her down in the middle of mine and hers unmade bed.

Her eyes were shutting as she muttered something to herself.

"No! Don't let her go back to sleep yet." Zayn shot at us as Louis ran in with a first aid box, littering the contents of it onto the floor.

"Was there any need to make that mess?" Liam said sighing jokily.

"Sorry! what else do you want me to do? its not bloody casualty." he said scrambling through the mess we made, receiving a chuckle from the sleepy girl we had on the bed.

When The World Crumbles (Sequel To Why Me?)Where stories live. Discover now