My Roleplay Applications: Illyria & Winifred Burkle

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                                                     Name: Winifred Burkle

                                                         Species: Human

                                    Powers & Abilities: Brains and tactics in battle. 

                                            Weaknesses: Human weaknesses.

Personality: Fred is a sweet girl, though she started out slightly secluded and crazy. She is outgoing and fun, thought she knows where to draw the line. She takes serious situations seriously and often helps herself and the other out of bad situations. She still has a little bit of crazy in her, and often acts on instinct, which helped while the gang was trying to protect Darla and Connor, as well as when Gunn’s old crew were trying to kill Angel.

History: Fred was born in a small town in Texas and led a normal life. Like many others she looked forward to getting out of her small town and making it in the world. She left her small town and headed to Los Angeles, on the promise that she would be careful, and even dull. She got a job as a librarian and was attending local classes. Her teacher sent her through a portal into a hell dimension where humans were treated as slaves and animals. She survived there, running away and living in the caves, knowing how to fight against beasts, such as Angel in his true demon form. Fred was rescued from the dimension, known as Pylea by Angel, Gunn, Lorne, and Wesley when they entered it in search of Cordelia Chase. Fred went back with them and fell for Angel; this hurt her many times before she got over him. She began a relationship with Gunn, which lasted for a little while before they split up. Her true love was Wesley, though this relationship was short-lived. She fell deathly ill after activating a sarcophagus containing the powers and spirit of Illyria, an Old One. She essentially died as Illyria took control of her body, crushing all the life out of her and in turn using her as a shell. When the spell that brought back Sunnydale was activated it awoke something in her body, a small hint of her life that was buried deep down. Fred began to fight her way to the surface, trying to overpower Illyria and take her body back.

RP sample: Fred walked down the stairs of the Hyperion Hotel dressed in an orange –shirt embroidered with the words “Palm Beach Boxing Club.” She took in the scent of the familiar Chinese takeout and could tell that Cordelia had been up all night researching on the internet, as she so often did. Fred smiled and her and waved sheepishly before speaking. “Did you find out anything about our big baddy?” she asked, her voice sweet and light. She awaited Cordelia’s response and frowned slightly when it turned out she hadn’t. She walked behind the counter and picked up a book with a weird symbol on the front. She turned through the pages, passing the sections on resurrection and lycanthropy. She skimmed a page with the words “Pisces Monstri” scribbled across the top. She knew it was Latin for Fish Monster, and the words in the passage said something about sacrificing children to the ocean waves. She shuddered and closed the book before turning back to Cordelia. “Don’t worry we’ll figure it out, we always do.” She said with a smile, watching as Angel and Gunn walked through the front door looking like super heroes. She awaited the news that seemed to always come from Angel’s arrival. “Gear up, we’ve found our monster” the words made her smile as she headed for the weapons closet. She removed and axe and tossed a broadsword to Angel. “We always win.” She thought to herself, walking towards the entrance.

Name: Illyria

Species: Old One - Demon

Powers and Abilities: Super strength, Agility, Superhuman Reflexes, Advanced Stamina, Advanced Fighting skills, Invulnerability to attacks, and heightened senses as well as Time Manipulation and Interdimensional Travel. She has the ability to speak to plants and to tell the difference between humans and other species. Her powers were taken away by Mutari generator, but later (In the comic series) have begun to return.

Weaknesses: Mutari generator, though not much else hurts her. She is nearly invulnerable after regaining some of her powers and is able to withstand attacks from a dragon at full strength after she had suffered a stab wound inflicted by Angel. Her powers are beginning to weaken as Fred’s Humanity once again latches onto the shell.

History: Illyria is one of the legendary Old Ones, original pure demons from the Primordium Age who ruled territory including modern-day California. She was one of the most feared of all the Old Ones, and ruled from her citadel, Vahla ha'nesh, which corresponds to modern-day Los Angeles. Illyria was eventually defeated and murdered by her many rivals.

Many centuries after her death one of her followers gets Gunn to let the sarcophagus through in exchange for brain implants. He then delivers it to Winifred Burkle, who touches one of the jewels out of curiosity, infecting her with Illyria’s spirit. Illyria then liquefies her organs and hardens her skin, taking on her form. After that she battles with the gang, before eventually becoming one of them. She grows feelings for Wesley and ends up saving Gunn. Illyria opens a portal and rescues Gunn without hesitation, later noting the great debt the group owes to her. In the process of finding Gunn, she destroys eleven torture units, two troop carriers, an ice cream truck, eight "beautifully maintained" lawns, and "rendered useless" dozens of Wolfram & Hart employees, according to Marcus Hamilton. She also fought alongside Angel and the others during the final battle. Illyria seeks out Wesley and finds him dying. She comforts Wesley in Fred's form. Filled with unexpected and uncontrollable grief, Illyria violently kills his killer, Cyvus Vail, shattering his head with a single punch. She then wishes to "do more violence."

RP Sample: Illyria stood still watching the cars pass by through the open window. She felt a presence behind her, but didn’t turn to see who it was. “Your world is so feeble and weak, it reeks of loss and depression, how can you stand to live in it?” she spoke, her voice monotone. She had taken on the form of Winifred Burkle, and she knew exactly who was standing behind her, the man that longed to bring back his lost love, Wesley. She turned to see him, ignoring his response, seeing as she didn’t truly care. She walked towards him, Fred’s feelings corrupting her own. “Wesley help me.” The voice came out strained, but she knew it was Fred’s she heard the voice every day. She was alive, she was trying to fight her way back, and Illyria could feel herself weakening as the humanity corrupted her. She doubled over for a second the blue of her eyes melting away. She blinked and just as quickly as it had disappeared, it returned. She stood up straight, and walked past the man in front of her, ignoring his questions, his new sense of urgency at what had just occurred. “Ignore it, it was nothing.” She spoke, her voice once again montone as she walked out into the halls of Wolfram and Hart.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2013 ⏰

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