Chapter 4

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"Your heart is gold and how am I the one that you've chosen to love? I still can't believe that you're right next to me after all that I've done."

-Don't Deserve You, Plumb

Charles Vane was love-struck. That was the only way to describe it. He had been at war with himself ever since Honora had left his cell the previous night. Look at you, a few weeks in this cell and you're infatuated with this girl, he thought. And not just any girl, your captor's daughter! Charles knew the risk was great but a larger part of him couldn't help but relish every moment he had with her. This woman had asked nothing of him, could gain nothing from their relationship, and her surprise at his offer of escape ensured him that was not an underlying motive. Vane had never met anyone who chose to be around him because they found his company pleasurable – and certainly not anyone as beautiful and kind as she was. She could marry well, have a lavish life, and yet chose to spend her evenings with him. Despite what it may cost her. After seeing her father's handiwork, Charles was anxious to enact revenge and he could only imagine what she would suffer if Lord Spencer discovered their...relationship. He tried to stifle his anger before he saw her as he knew it wasn't helpful – she knew what she faced and there was no need to remind her of it.

Frankly, Honora's bruises hadn't been the only thing to surprise him at supper. Charles had kissed her off pure impulse and was shocked when she hadn't pushed him away. He was dirty, had barely had a chance to bathe, and was certainly no nobleman yet this gentle creature gave piece after piece of herself willingly to a man who didn't deserve her. In truth, their kiss had been the first chance Charles had to touch her and he was eager to do so again. The softness of her lips, her silken hair, and the way her hands had clutched at his sides all filled his dreams the night before. If we ever get out of here, I'm not sure that I'll be able to let her go.

Just then, he heard her light footsteps hurrying down the steps. Fretful of what her rush may mean, Charles braced himself for the worst. However, when she reached the bottom, a wide smile on her face, he knew that his worries had been for naught.

"You're certainly in a good mood."

"As you will be when I tell you what I overheard this morning," she said with a knowing smile on her face.

Once she let herself into his cell and shut the bars behind her, Vane wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her back flush against his chest.

"Hmm, and what may that be?" he asked, leaning to rest his cheek on her temple.

"That Jack Rackham will be in the neighboring port in two days' time."

Charles froze. His former quartermaster in town at the precise moment that he was in need of rescue...the story sounded too good to be true.

"Who did you hear this from?" he asked insistently.

"Naval officers that stopped in to meet with father. They overheard it from locals at the tavern that insist they've spotted his crew in town, but the Navy doesn't believe its true. They say Calico Jack would never venture this close to the lion's den."

"Please, Jack's as unpredictable a pirate as there is. If he is coming, he would've dropped off a scouting party. The problem is, he may not even know I'm here."

"Oh, I'm certain he does. Father's been bragging it to anyone who will listen," she said with a roll of her eyes. "And I can think of no other reason for Jack Rackham to sack this port than to free an old friend. There are others within miles where he could acquire much more loot."

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