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I had not really thought much about my future, considering up until a few months ago I did not even think that I would live past sixteen. Now I am seventeen going on eighteen and my life expectancy has been increased for at least another five to eight years, and I cannot just sit here and waste what little life I have left.

Which is why I have decided to attend NYU, obviously I will have to tell people that I deferred for a year rather than, "Hey I just found out I can live long enough to attend college." Yeah, definitely not.

My parents were thrilled when I told them however, I could see the concern that was laced with their excitement. I do not particularly blame them for being concerned, I have not exactly had the best track record when it came to my disease.

I had convinced them once to let me have a sleep over when I was fifteen, I ended up vomiting everywhere and it was so bad that I was hospitalized for a week. Later that year I had also convinced them to let me go on a field trip at school and I ended up passing out in front of a whole crowd of people, the humiliation was worse than the gash on my head.

No matter what happened though I was always determined to keep fighting for a normal life, and college is as normal as it gets for someone my age.

"Rosalie, we are here." My mother announces excitedly as she practically leaps from the car just to open my door for me, my father laughs at my mother who playfully scolds him. "Quite a campus they have here."

"Indeed they do." I agree with my mother as she wraps her arm around me.

"I will get the bags, you two go up and find you room." My mother and I hastily agree with my father before we both run up to my room, giggling and screaming like little school girls.

"Well, this is surprisingly big." I nod in agreement as we enter my dorm room, it is bigger than my room back home. Then again I guess it should be considering it is meant to fit two people in it.

The walls are plain white and the floor is a dark grey carpeted color, the two beds opposite from one another have a light wood color tone to them with matching desks at then end of either of them. I walk over to the massive window located in between our beds, it shows the front car park where I can see my dad struggling with my luggage and to the left there is a common grounds area with a few little cafes and book shops.

"I like it, I like it a lot." I smile at my mum who is currently lying on one of the beds with a frown on her face.

"Come feel this bed, is it okay? I can buy you another mattress if this does not feel right." I roll my eyes at my mother, she was being ridiculous however, I do as I am told and lay down on the bed with her. It is not the best bed in the world, but that does not mean my parents have to buy me a new mattress.

"Mum, It is fine, really." I assure her but she still seems skeptical as she lifts herself off the bed to go and look out the window. "Can you see the coffee shops and the book stores?"

She nods. "Oh yes, they are close. Very convenient." I roll my eyes slyly, she does not mean convenient for time or whatever she means for my disease.

"Yeah I guess so." I mumble, I do not really like to argue or bring up the fact that they worry to much about me and think about every tiny little detail that could affect me, because I know it is out of love and I could never intentionally make them feel bad for loving me.

"Where is that damn father of yours." She says as she turns around, annoyance plastered on her face as she looks at the wardrobe located beside the door.

"Room 205... Room... 206, here mum." I sit upright as an Asian girl walks in along with her mum, her smile widens as she spots me and my mother. "Oh hello!" She exclaims excitedly. "I'm Layla and this is my mum Karen." I'm...

"I am Melinda and this is Rosalie." My mum answers for me, I was hoping I could introduce myself but I guess it is okay either way.

My mum and Karen begin to chat with one another as Layla comes and sits on the opposite bed from me, "I hope it is okay that I chose this bed." I say awkwardly.

"Of course it is, it doesn't really matter to me anyway." Doesn't... I am not use to using contractions, my family and I had always used proper English if you will, I have no idea why but we just always have.

I smile in response, I am still very surprised at how gorgeous Layla is, she is honestly model gorgeous. Her skin is a beautiful olive color, she has the darkest shade of brown eyes I have ever seen and her hair was a perfect shade of dark brown with a few random pieces of blonde.

"Mel sweetheart I am about to drop everything." I hear my dad's voice in the hallway, my mother laughs then politely excuses herself from her conversation with Karen who turns her attention to Layla and I.

"I hope you two girls like one another, I remember when I went to college my roommate hated me and she made my college experience a nightmare." I laugh a little but for a second I think that laughing is rude until Karen and Layla join in.

"I like her mum, she seems quiet now but aren't we all when we first meet someone." Aren't...

"Very true." Her mother agrees and then smiles in my direction. "Except for my daughter, she is very outgoing and... Boisterous."

"Mum." Layla groans and rolls her eyes at her mum while Karen simply smiles cheekily.

My Mum and Dad return both with their arms full, I feel a little guilty but then again neither of them asked for my help. "Hello, I am Clyde." My dad introduces himself to Karen and Layla.

"This is Karen and Layla Evans." My mum smiles brightly, she clearly likes them.

"Pleasure to meet you both." My parents are so formal and outgoing people, I have no idea why I am such a shy person sometimes.

"We should all go check out common grounds together and have a coffee or something." Layla suggests.

"That is a good idea." My parents agree and we all leave mine and Layla's dorm and head to common grounds.

As we are leaving though something strange happens, I am the last to exit the room so I turn around and shut the door behind me but when I turn back around to follow them something tall and hard crashes into me. If it were not for his reflexes he would not have caught me as quickly as he did and I would have fallen backwards.

"Watch it." The strange boy grumbles before letting me go, not even an apology for basically crashing into me, thanks. I think bitterly but then mentally scold myself, I do not usually like to think so crudely about people, no matter what my reasoning's are.

He is about to continue to walk away when my Dad out of the blue and out of character shouts, "Watch out for my fucking daughter!" My mum slaps his chest with a scowl, but my dad ignores her and turns his attention to me. "Are you okay Rosie?"

I nod and turn back to see the strange boy staring at me as he walks away with a frown on his face before it turns suddenly into a smirks.

Strange indeed.

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