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"Please Harry for god's sake, Sebastian's only trying yo get a reaction from you!"

"Yeah well, he's got a reaction." My eyes attempt to open however, the lights flood my weakened eyes making me squeeze them tightly shut as the two voices continue to argue.

"Oh god, please, you'll end up in jail again, only this time it will be worse, you'll be tried as an adult!"

"I don't care, I don't fucking care!" I slowly reach my hand up to my eyes and I begin to rub them in an attempt to ease the droopiness, but the small actions only causes me pain and I release an involuntary groan. "Rosalie."

I open my eyes at the mentioning of my name and Harry is immediately by my side, grabbing my hand softly in his as he begins to rub it soothingly, I speak. "Harry..." My voice breaks and as I am clearing my throat Harry interrupts my next sentence.

"I'm so sorry Rosalie, this is all my fault, I'm so sorry." What was all of Harry's fault? Wait, where am I and how did I even get here?

"Harry?" Harry releases a 'mmm' sound as a response. "What happened, how did I get here... Where even is here?" I ask as I quiz idly look around the room.

"Sebastian..." Harry's voice breaks and he looks down as if ashamed of something, which I do not understand why.

"Sebastian." A female voice breaks in, I snap my head upward and see Gemma.

"Wait, Gemma?"

"Wait, how do you know Gemma?" Harry suddenly looks up.

"We met at the party." Gemma speaks. "She offered to help me find you."

"I did not realise Harry was your brother." I chime in, small world I guess.

"And I didn't realise you knew Harry at all, you definitely don't seem like his type." Gemma proceeds to eye my up and down curiously before smirking in her brothers direction.

"Gem, enough please." Gemma continues to smile playfully at her brother before turning her attention back to me, the smile slowly fading.

"Sebastian as you know was my ex." Gemma continues to explain. "And he hit me and stuff, so Harry decided to hit him right back, now they're like enemies. So when Sebastian saw Harry with you, he got you alone and spiked your drink..." I was spiked!

"Wait, wait, wait... Sebastian spiked my drink... With a drug, an illegal drug?" I am not allowed to take any form of drug other than my prescribed ones and mixing them is only worse... Oh my god, oh my god...

"Rosalie?" Gemma speaks softly, noticing my panic. "It's okay, we got you away from him and you've been asleep at Harry's for a few hours now." A few hours?

"H-how long is a few hours exactly." A surprisingly quiet Harry reaches into his back pocket and pulls out his phone.

"About five hours now." I have been passed out for five hours, I am lucky I did not overdose from mixing my prescribed drugs with illegal ones unintentionally. What's worse is they do not even know about it, so they would not have known what to do had worse come to worse, God I am such an idiot for going to that stupid party.

"Oh." Is all I say in response, still taken aback from all the information I had just received about the events of last night.

An awkward cough breaks me from my shocked state, one which Harry appeared to be in as well by the concentrated look on his face. Harry and I both look up at Gemma. "I have a flight in six hours and I need to head back to the hotel room to pack, but before I go, are you going to be okay Rosalie, I can cancel my flight if you're not?"

"No, nonsense. I am fine, slightly shaken but perfectly fine, thanks to the both of you, thank-you so much." I stand up to hug Gemma but I immediately regret it as I feel my weakened knees give way to the sudden pressure. I brace myself to hit the floor but I never make it, Harry's arm is tightly gripped around my waist.

"Rosalie!" Gemma is by my side in a flash, comfortingly rubbing my arm. "Oh maybe I should just stay?"

"No Gem, you have to go home today, otherwise mum will freak. I can take care of her, you go home."

"Are you sure Haz.?"

"Positive, now go otherwise you won't make it to the airport in time. Call me when you get to mum's."

"Alright..." Gemma finally gives in but the hesitation still lingers in her voice as she offers one last soothing rub to my arm as she places a kiss on Harry cheek."Goodbye my little brother."

"Goodbye Gem."

"Bye Rosalie." Gemma smiles.

I attempt to say goodbye but it comes out as a croak ant then I end up coughing, I think I need to vomit, oh please no. Not here, not in front of Harry.

"Get well soon Rosalie." Is the last thing Gemm says before leaving, leaving Harry and I alone... In his house.

I awkwardly look up at Harry who is still holding onto my waist tightly, like if he were to let me go I would slip through the cracks and disappear into the abyss forever.

Harry's eyes travel to mine and a concerned frown clouds my vision and then suddenly, it is as if something on my face distracts him and he is now staring into my eyes with another expression, one I have never seen before nor understand.

"Harry..." I break the silence, Harry respond's with another distracted 'mmm' sound as he stares at my lips... Odd. "I think I need to vom..."

But it is too late, my body convulses forward and out of Harry's muscular arms and I just begin to vomit all over Harry's mahogany floorboards. "Oh my god, I am so sor-..." Before I can even finish my apology more comes out, God this is embarrassing.

"Shh, It's okay Rosalie, just let it out." Harry whispers in my ear softly as he rubs my back to ease the pain.

When I am finally done I can hardly look at Harry as he cleans my vomit up, this is far worse than vomiting in front of everyone at a sleepover and passing out in a public place.

"I am really sorry..." I repeat for the hundredth time now.

"It's alright, it's probably for the best you vomited whatever Sebastian put in your drink anyway. It's honestly fine, I'm just happy you're okay."

"Still... I feel bad."

"It's okay, besides you're in this situation because of me..." He trails off and averts his eyes from mine.

"It is not your fault, Sebastian's the one who thinks it is okay to just go around hitting his girlfriend and spiking people's drinks. None of this is your fault Harry, wrong place, wrong time, that is all it was." I can see he is not convinced but he accepts it anyway.

"Would you like to have a shower?" Harry changes the subject. "I have spare toothbrushes under the sink if you want, after I could make you something to eat." I can sense that he is nervous by the pace of his voice and the fact that he is stuttering however, I cannot come up with a reason as to why. "Or not, maybe you want to lie down... Or watch TV?"

"A shower and a toothbrush would be lovely." I smile appreciatively, Harry returns the smile before showing me the way to his bathroom.

"Towels are in there, help yourself to any shampoos and body wash, spare toothbrushes are just under that sink there."

"Thank-you Harry." I smile once again before slowly closing the bathroom door.

I find that the smile on my face, even after the door as been shut will not fade and something moves in the pit of my stomach that only makes me smile more. The way Harry is acting right now, is how the way he should always act, he is so much more likeable like this, in a platonic manner of course...

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