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Harry left me, he left me alone... and I have no idea where Layla is. Alright, just calm down Rosalie, I tell myself as I place my hand over my heart. Gosh, It is beating so hard, I really need to calm down before I-...

Suddenly pain surges through me and I drop to my knees, still clenching my heart, luckily I remembered to pack my medicine so I quickly reach into my bag, grabbing hastily onto the cylinder and ripping the cap off.

Just as I am dry-swallowing the pill the doorway to the stairs flies open, crashing into the brick wall behind it. I quickly stuff the bottle back into my bag and look up, hopeful that Harry has come back for me, but to my dismay, it is not him.

Instead it was a girl whom I did not recognize from campus in fact she appeared to be in her late twenties so I wonder what she would be doing here at a frat party. 

"Oh hi... Sorry." She speaks as she suddenly realizes that I was up here. "I'm looking for someone, he's tall, tan and uh... Brown hair, green eyes, you seen him?"

I am just so panicked at the thought that she saw my pills and that my heart is still racing a deadly amount that I do not even really take in what she is saying. "No sorry, I have not... I could help though, i mean if you would like?" I was only asking so I wouldn't be alone and I know that seems selfish but I really should not be alone in this condition.

"Really? That would be great, thank-you so much!" She beams as she helps me up off the floor. "Why are you on the floor by the way?"

"I just tripped." I laugh it off, which earns a laugh from her as well. "I am Rosalie by the way."

"Gemma." She smiles as we walk down the stairs together in search for whomever she was looking for. 

"So do you go here?" I attempt to converse with Gemma.

"No, I'm in my last year at Sheffield University." Sheffield...

"Sheffield, that is in the UK right?"

"Yeah, I'm just visiting my brother, he goes here."

"Right, you seemed panicked on the roof, is something wrong?" She stops in her place and I panic myself, was that intrusive and rude? "Sorry, I do not meant to pry..."

"No, no it's fine. There's this guy I use to date at the party right now, my brother put him in the hospital after he... He hit me." Wow, I was not expecting that, I am slightly nervous to meet this brother now, he seems a little dangerous. Then again, he only resorted to violence in defense of his sister.

"My brother, he's not a bad guy. He just..." She sighs and places her head in her hands, oh no, please tell me I did not make her cry. "Sorry." She sighs again before removing her hands from her face. "He just loves his family so much he can't bear the thought of anyone hurting them."

"It is fine Gemma, I am not judging if that is what you think." This seems to make her feel better because a smile suddenly comes into view on her lips.

"Thank-you Rosalie." She smiles appreciatively at me before her face turns serious. "There he is!" Without another word Gemma is dashing off after he brother, I want to follow her but I know I cannot for the risks are too high.

"I will catch up with you!" I shout out after her, hopefully she heard me.

I awkwardly stand in the middle of a hallway, all alone again, I need to find Layla or Harry.

I quickly yet cautiously begin to push through the crowd, earning myself a few glares but at this point I am too paranoid that I am about to have an episode to care.

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