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Layla and I had bid our goodbyes with our parents after a slightly painful late breakfast, my mother cried twice and they both kept pestering me about taking my medicine when I need to and making sure I do not partake in anything too strenuous. Luckily I do not think Layla or Karen caught onto my parents overwhelming concerns about my disease.

They seemed a little distracted by the book store beside us, luckily.

"I love my mum but man was I glad when she finally left." Layla laughs beside me as she rummages mindlessly through a stack of books, looking for nothing in particular.

Whereas I was searching for a book full of Shakespeare's Sonnets, ever since I was diagnosed with my disease I had used Shakespeare's work as my own personal remedy. I never knew the emotions that literature and sonnets could bring me, I could read a sonnet and feel love, anger and sorrow all at once, it is truly mesmerizing and personally healing.

I am taking advanced English Literature and I was also taking a creative writing class purely because writing is a hobby of mine and a management and organizations class and a marketing class. I have no idea why I chose those two, they jumped out at me when I saw them so I took a chance I guess.

I also was required to take a P.E class but I most definitely did not tell my parents that, I knew that they would completely freak out and not allow me to attend college. I chose Yoga, because I knew should they ever find out that they would be a little more lenient considering Yoga is actually good for the heart.

"Hello?" I nearly drop the play Macbeth from my hands as I am snapped from my trance by Layla who is staring at me expectantly with those big brown eyes of hers.

"W-what?" I stutter as I place Macbeth back down and continue my search for his Sonnets.

"I asked if that was the guy who ran into you this morning?" I adjust my gaze so it follows Layla's pointed finger at a man who was in fact the stranger whom ran into me this morning.

He has quite a nice build now that I have a chance to really look at him and his messy, brown, curly locks were absolutely adorable however, his many, many tattoos stole the adorableness away and have him a sort of mysterious edge, the same with his piercings. He is the cliche bad-ass, I thought with a quiet chuckle.

"Yeah, that is him." I turn away not wanting him to look up and make eye contact with me, cause I know that would be disastrous, I can already see the smirk that would play on his damn face. Actually scratch that, I doubt he even remembers me.

"You should talk to him." Layla suggests with a smirk dancing on her lips.

"Why?" I ask with a frown, why would I talk to someone who was so blatantly rude to me?

"Why not?" She challenges.

"I do not know, I cannot find Shakespeare's sonnets." I change the subject followed with an annoyed groan. I do not know why Layla would even suggest something like that, I barely know him and I have no intentions of getting to know him either.

"Well I found what I wanted, so let's go to the checkout." I nod in response and follow Layla to the checkout where an elderly woman is sat, patiently waiting for us with a welcoming smile. "Just these, thank-you."

"No problem sweetheart." The elderly woman says as she gently takes Layla's books from her hands and begins to scan them ever so slowly.

The presence of someone beside me makes my head snap in the direction and as fate would have it the strange rude boy is beside me, I am about to look away and avoid eye contact when I see it. All 154 of Shakespeare's Sonnets, "W-what, where did you find that?" I stutter in awe of the masterpiece that is before me.

His head snaps up from his notebook that he is so focused on, "The literature section?" He answers slowly and awkwardly as he registers my face and who I am. "Hey Rosie." He smirks at me, how does he know my name and why was it is in the literature section? I though it would have been in the poetry section.


He cuts me off as if he already knew what I was about to ask, "Your dad called you Rosie this morning, cute name by the way." He remembers me... Strange.

"It is actually Rosalie, only my Dad calls me Rosie." It was true, no one else ever called me Rosie but for some strange reason my Dad did and I do not like it when other people call me Rosie.

"Rosalie is it then." Good, I thought he would be one of those cliches where he calls me the name I dislike.

"I know this is random and probably out of line considering we are strangers, but can I please have that book?"

He glances down at Shakespeare's Sonnets before looking back up at me with a sparkle in those emerald green eyes as the ever so beautiful smirk dances on his lips again. "You a fan?"

"A fan is an understatement, that man literally saved my life." I gush and then blush when I notice his amused facial expression.

"Well that makes two of us and no." He answers bluntly before looking back down at his notebook.

What? "No?" I question.

"Yes, no, my answer to your question about wanting me to give up one of Shakespeare's masterpieces is a no." Why is he so rude about everything, he did not even look up?

"Okay then." I roll my eyes and turn away from him, I hear him chuckle but I refuse to make eye contact again. First he nearly ran me into the ground and was blatantly rude to me about it and now he answers a simple question in the rudest of manner. Jerk.

For once I do not even feel bad for thinking crudely about someone.

Layla and I finally leave the book store and we are both about to start our first classes at college ever, Layla's first class is some Scientology class and mine is Yoga, damn Yoga. I think to myself as I kick a random stone on the ground as Layla gushes over how 'hot' jerkface is.

"Did you see those damn lip piercings, sot hot." I had to agree however, I did so silently. "Oh and those tattoos, they were so fuc-..."

"Enough, enough!" I laugh inwardly as I cut Layla's attempt to cuss. "Please enough, all this talk about him is bothering me." I admit.

"Why?" Layla presses, why? Well perhaps because he is the rudest human being I have ever met in my entire life and what is worse is the fact that he thinks that it is okay.

"I do not know." With a shrug and a roll of her eyes Layla hugs me goodbye and runs off to her class, I quickly dash back to my dorm and change into my Yoga clothes and head to my class.

The class was entirely full of women, except for the Yoga instructor who was a man, a surprisingly young man to be a college professor.

I lay my mat at the back of the room, should the class turn out to actually be more strenuous then I had thought and I need a break, I can do so undetected.

All the other girls were stretching so I sit down on my mat and begin to mimic their stretches not really knowing what I was actually doing.

"Three times in one day, it must be love."

Wilted // H.SWhere stories live. Discover now