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"Three times in one day, it must be love." My head snaps up in the direction of the mysterious, masculine yet familiar voice behind me and to my surprise it is Jerkface, I roll my eyes at him still annoyed at the level of rudeness he possess.

Without a second glance I face the front and continue to stretch, a low chuckle escapes his lips and to my dismay he lays his mat down beside me, great.

"Rosal-..." Fortunately the yoga teacher interrupts him before he can attempt small talk with me.

"Good morning I'm professor Jacobs, I hope everyone has stretched themselves well because this is not going to be easy, trust me." He has an evil smirk on his face as he eyes us all as if he actually wants one of us to pull a muscle or something, sick.

I hear a heavy sigh from beside me, I turn and spot Jerkface, cross-legged and staring at the ceiling clearly looking bored.

"You, looking idle at the back." Jerkface's head snaps down to make eye contact with Professor Jacobs. "Why don't you come up here a demonstrate the downwards dog for us all, seeing as you cannot seem to sit still for too long." Okay, I like this professor now.

I send a smug look in Jerkface's direction who simply responds with a scowl as he gets up and takes his mat to the front of the classroom where Professor Jacobs is standing, patiently and smugly waiting for Jerkface to embarrass himself.

"Now please, demonstrate." Professor Jacobs says as he steps out of Jerkface's way.

Jerkface awkwardly coughs before stepping onto the mat and dropping to his knees, not very yoga-like and then he falls forward onto the palms of his hands and sticks his bum up in the air. That was the most awkward thing to watch and a little funny too.

"God, he's so hot." The girl beside me giggles to the girl beside her, who nods in response, her eyes never leaving Jerkface's as she silently agrees. "Fuck, look at his biceps contract." Oh lord, I mean... It is all wrong, his back is not even straight...

"Well although you know what it is, you performed just as poorly as I assumed you would. Go back to your spot please and don't look so idle again." Harsh, but I love it.

Jerkface mumbles a few almost incoherent curse words as he sits back down beside me. The smirk never leaves my lips, what goes around comes around Jerkface.

"You'd better wipe that smirk of your face Rosalie." I refuse to look at him, I refuse. "Rosalie, hey Rosalie. I'm talking to you." Please stop... People are beginning to turn around and glare at me even though it is all Jerkface.

"For the love of god, the two of you get out now and chat elsewhere." Professor Jacobs dismisses us harshly even though I did nothing. Damn Jerkface.

"But sir-..."

"I said get out." Professor Jacobs snaps at me and I immediately pick up my things and hurry out, trying to hide my embarrassment with the shield of my hair, Jerkface seems unfazed, this does not actually surprise me.

When jerkface and I are in the halls I finally snap, "You, get away from me and stop being rude and getting me into trouble!" I know I am over exaggerating a little but I cannot help it.

"Rosalie, calm down."

"Calm down? Calm down? I am here out of luck, I got a damn second chance at this and I do not want anyone wasting what little tim-..." I stop myself briefly before rephrasing my words. "My education, okay, so just stop."

"Rosalie, I'm sorry okay. It won't happen again, I promise."

"I do not even know your name okay and I just want to be left alone so I do not need nor do I care for your promises." I am about to storm away when he speaks again.



"My name, my name is Harry." Cute name... I mean, ugh. This boy has some strange effects on me and I barely even know him.

"My name is Rosa-..." I stop myself mid-sentence feeling like a complete loser because he already knew that and sure enough when I sneak and glance from behind my shield of hair he is smirking at me. "You already knew that." I mumble like a loser.

"Yes I did, I love how flustered I make you." Cocky much.

"Trust me, you do not get me flustered, no a single bit." I smile before stomping off in the other direction leaving him by his lonesome however, like a lost puppy he follows after me.

"I can see right through your denial sweetheart."

"And I can see right through your whole mysterious, 'I do not care about anything' bad boy act and I can most definitely see how this." I pause briefly as I motion my hand between the two of us. "Is going to pan out."

"Oh really." He smirks. "And how is this." He pauses as mimics my previous action. "Going to pan out then?"

"Well you are going to continue to creep into my life, at first believing it is purely for a 'quick screw,' but you will soon realize that is will not be easy and you will see that as a challenge you are willing to take. Of course over the course of this 'challenge' you will realize you love me and you will confess your love for me, which I will return as well. Then you open up to me and I realize that you are not just some mysterious bad boy who 'does not care about anything,' and I will open up to and you will be completely heartbroken and it would all have been just one big waste of time in the end." I let out a heavy sigh as I look up at Harry smiling.


"Oh it is very romantic."

"You know, my mother raised me well. I do not just screw women, I actually need commitment there to 'make-love.' That completely objectifies them and I am not about that, so there's one fault in your little prediction."

I snort a very unattractive snort making Harry grin at me. "One minor fault, the rest could still come true."

"Also I'm not that mysterious nor am I a bad boy, don't let these tattoos fool you. Deep down I am a hopeless romantic."

"Obviously, I mean you read Shakespeare's sonnets." This causes a deep chuckle to escape his lips.

"Maybe I was buying that for someone else." He winks mysteriously at me with a cheeky grin.

"Lucky girl." I mumble, slightly bored with the conversation.

"Yeah lucky girl indeed." He mumbles back, sounding just as bored as I am.

Luckily we have reached my dorm room, meaning it is time to bid our goodbyes. "Goodbye Harry, it was not a pleasure meeting you." I smile one last time before I begin to slam the door however, Harry has other ideas.

"Wait." He says as he places his hand on the door, preventing it from closing.

"What Harry?" I growl, surprising myself and Harry apparently by the look on his face.

"There's a party at my frat house." Of course he's part of a fraternity. "And." He scratches the back of his neck nervously, wait nervously? "I was wondering if you'd like to come, perhaps?"

Jerkface is inviting me to a party at a frat house?

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