Locker Decor

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You want to make your locker feel like it's your own. You can put up decorations and make it seem not as empty.

With only your books and school supplies your locker can feel empty. To make your locker feel less empty put some little things in there.

In my locker I had a few pictures of my family and friends. I had a batman decoration (batman is like my favorite superhero). I had some little encouraging notes on the locker walls.

I always hang up seasonal decorations. I hang some Christmas ornaments up on the locker hooks around Christmas. I put up spring decor and fall decor and in May I put up summer decor.

The only thing that I have left to say about locker decor is that you don't want there to be too much decor that your locker is crowded. If you are trying to move things out of the way to put your books away then you have to many decorations most likely.

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