Passing period

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Let's face it, schools don't give people nearly enough time in between classes.

Don't go to the water fountain. First of all water fountains carry countless germs and diseases, second of all you hardly get any water. If you are allowed to bring a water bottle to all of your classes. It will make it to where you can avoid using water fountains.

Get into a normal peeing schedule. I know it sounds weird but it's true. To start go to the bathroom in the morning before school, during or after lunch, and then again after school. I got into the schedule of going at lunch then when I got home. Make sure that if you do go before class you ask a teacher if you can go so you aren't counted as tardy.

Getting the stuff you need for class can be time consuming. Get what you need for class ahead of time. Get things that you will need if you don't pass your locker on the way to class. Don't waste your time trying to get from class to locker then back to class.

If you have two different classes like first and second one hour that are on two opposite sides of the school don't worry. Don't dilly dally. Don't sit around and talk to your friends. I know talking to them might be tempting but you need to get to class.

Don't stand around the halls talking to people. You can talk to them later. You need to get to class. Would you rather get in trouble for being tardy or talk to your friends?

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