
804 28 15

4:02 pm (DT )


4:05 pm (DT)

Daisy: I'm so sorry!! I thought you're together. I thought you and Bailey have something.. you know... couple??  But then it's just a rumor!!  And I've figured that out just earlier!  I'm so sorry!! I didn't mean to hurt your feelings!!!!!! Ajujujujuju

4:06 pm (DT)

Daisy: I'm sorry for what I said yesterday!!  :""<

4:07 pm (DT)

Daisy: I'm really sorry!!!!!!!!

4:10 pm (DT)

Daisy: KENNETH!!!!!!

4:12 pm (DT)

DaisyI hate myself!!! I really really hate myself!!!!!!!!

4:17 pm (DT )

Daisy: What's wrong with you Danica!  What have you done yesterday?!  You  ruined your ken-ken! 

4:18 pm (DT)


DaisyMy life is useless now :(

4:20pm (DT )

Daisy: I'll cut my wrist.

Daisy: But it'll hurts a lot!!  I won't do that >\\\\\<

4:22 pm (DT)

Daisy: What if  I'll drink toxic?

4:24 pm (DT)

Daisy: Nah. It tastes like hell  >~<

4:27 pm (DT)

Daisy: What am I gonna do now?!?!?!?

Seen 7:30 am (KT)

Daisy: Ohmygosh!!  Kenneth I'm so sorry!!

Seen 7:36 am (KT)

Daisy: Ken-ken, I'm really sorry for what I said  :""<

4:40 pm (DT )


4:45 pm (DT  )

Daisy: Ohmygosh!!!!!!  TT^TT

Kenneth: This is Sean. Kenneth's in the living room. He forgot this in his bed so, yeah.

4:49 pm (DT )

Daisy: Oh.

Seen 4:54 pm (DT)

Daisy: Sean?  You mean Sean Lew?!?!?

Kenneth: Yeah.

4:58 pm (DT)

Daisy: 0_____0

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