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The moon is beautifully standing in the sky, covering by some of the clouds. It was dark outside. Everyone was peacefully sleeping. It was quiet everywhere. But Daisy, seemed like she was pushing herself to sleep. But sleep didn't want her to.

She was tired and exhausted.

And yet, here she were, lying in her bed, staring at the ceiling of her room.

Thinking about him.

It's been 2 months since their last conversations. 2 months since their last sharing of thoughts. Since their last I love you to each other. Their last saying of goodbyes.

Since then, Daisy felt like her world stopped.

The joyful, lovely, and pessimistic Daisy suddenly vanished. She erased all her conversations with him. In messenger, and twitter. She deactivated all her accounts.

She stopped watching his dance videos.

She stopped stalking him.

She stopped fangirling him.

She did all those things just to forget about him. But what she've got?


She was crying all day, all night. Thinking of those what-if's and what could have been in their relationship. Is there really a relationship between them? Or she was just assuming things?

While she was staring at the plain ceiling, a tear dropped unto her skin.

And another. And another.

Until she found herself sobbing. She was crying again, missing him so badly. Thinking and worrying about him.

She wiped her tears away,though she knew that it wouldn't stop. She looked beside her bed. A calendar. It was December 22th. Three days and it's Christmas.

She should be happy. She should rejoiced. Christmas was her favorite holiday. But she didn't felt the guts to be happy. All she felt, was hurt, hurt, and hurt still.

"Honey, you okay? You want me to come over?" She snapped back when she heard those soft voice coming outside her door. Her mom.

"No,Mom I'm okay, I'm readying to sleep actually. Goodnight Mom, " She lied.

"Alright. Goodnight Daisy, I love you, " then it hit her. Same as what he said two months ago. And then she were again, crying quietly. Assuring that there was no one who'd heard her tears.

How she loved that guy. How she wanted to be with him.

But destiny itself didn't cooperates with her well. Though she knew that what she did was right. Daisy was still hurting.

Until she felt her eyes became heavy. She unexpectedly fell asleep without her knowing. But still her tears, uncontrollably streaming down her cheeks.


"Danica, " she suddenly felt someone's pinching her arms. But she didn't mind.

"Danica, wake up " Daisy heard it again. A little louder this time.

"It's December 23th! Don't you want to  go somewhere? " someone said into her ears.

"I'm not in the mood. Go away, I want to sleep. Let me sleep. " she said annoyingly. Still eyes closed.

"You're always like this Danica, you still didn't get over him? Tell me, how long will you be like this, huh Danica? You're ruining your life. Wake up for Pete's sake Daisy! There's so many boys all over the world. Kenneth is not the only one," Daisy started to be annoyed.

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