Thirty Third

637 20 8

6:15 pm (DT)

Daisy: KEN-KEN!!!!!!!

Kenneth: Daisy!

6:16 pm (DT)

Daisy: Ken-ken!!!!!!!!!

Kenneth: Daisy!!!

6:18 pm (DT)

Daisy: Wait, I'll do something.

Kenneth: Okay.

Seen 9:18 am (KT)

-Daisy San Jose set her nickname to Mrs. Danica Carol Lusino San Jose-

-Daisy San Jose set your nickname to Mr. Kenneth Paul Lusino San Jose-

Seen 6:23 pm (DT)

Daisy: Husband and Wife indeed!!

Kenneth: Srsly?

9:23 am (KT)

Daisy: We're cute right?\(°/////°)/

Kenneth: You're a dog so you're the only one who's cute between us .-.

9:25 am (KT)

Daisy: :'<

Seen 6:26 pm (DT)

Daisy: But you like dogs right?

Kenneth: A little ...

Seen 6:30 pm (DT)

Daisy: Have you ate your breakfast?

Kenneth: Yeah.

Seen 9:32 am (KT)

Daisy: How are you doing?

Kenneth: I'm in my dance class actually,

9:35 am (KT)

Daisy: Is Sean there?!

Kenneth: Ye– no. Sean isn't here.

Seen 6:36 pm (DT)

Daisy: Seannnnnnnnn!!!!!

Kenneth: -.-!

6:38 pm (DT)

Daisy: Sean!!!

Kenneth: Fine. I'll let you talk to him but, keep your distance towards him okay?

Seen 9:40 am (KT)

Daisy: Okay ^°^

Kenneth: Five minutes. Just minutes and I may no longer hear any name coming from your mouth except mine. Are we clear?

Seen 9:42 am (KT)

Daisy: Tssk. Jealous XD

Kenneth: whatever.

     -Kenneth San Jose is calling you-

: Hello?

[Hi Daisy,]

: Ken-ken its still you +.+ Why are imitating Sean's voice?

[I'm not Kenneth, I'm Sean]

: You're creepy

[Fine.I'll stop.]

: hahaha! Jealous!!

[I'm not]

: HAHAHAHA! You even imitating Sean hahahaha!


: Where's Sean?

[I don't want you to talk to him]

: Why ?

[You might fall for him...]

: ....

[He's more romantic, more cool and kind than I am ...]

: Ken-ken he's your best friend. You should not be insecure towards him.

[I'm not insecure. I'm just scared...]

: Don't be. Now let me talk to him,

[I won't do that]

: Kenneth.

[What are you guys talking about?]

: Just let me talk to him....


: Ken-ken. ...


: Why are you so annoying!

[Why are you so persisting?]

: Kenneth Paul... let me talk to Sean Lew.

[Still. A. No.]

: Ken-ken hubby ~ please ~~

[No–—Hi Daisy! You want to talk to me?]

: Is this Sean ?

[Yeah. It's me]

: Alright. Is Kenneth still there?

[Yeah. But Josh and Gabe have him. What's the catch?]

: I've heard the news.


: Is it true?

[What about that?]

: Kenneth and Bailey, officially on?

[Oh that.]

: Its true.

[No. It's just a rumor, just made by the paparazzi]

: Glad its not true

[But it might affect their career. I've heard that they will be a TV show where Kenneth and Bails are the guests weekly.]


[Yeah. They're going to teach some dance steps with some random person with Matt ]

:Is that so?

[Yeah. If I were you, don't watch it.]

: I might hurt


: Is Bailey really that mad at me?

[Bails? Mad at you? How do you say so?]

: She chatted me a while ago, and she said something very bad towards me

[Maybe she's jealous at you?]

: What? Why would she?

[I gotta go, Kenneth going to rip my neck by his stare haha]

: Sorry about him, he's just jealous haha

[If Kenneth hurt you, I'll punch him hard ,okay? Just tell me if you need something, I'm willing to help]

: Thanks.

[*shouting* (Sean)"I love you Daisy!"––(Kenneth) "Fuck you man!Give my phone back! You punk!"]

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