
526 18 17

6:02 am (DT)

Daisy: Hi ken-ken ^_____^√°

6:03 am (DT)

Daisy: I'm eating kwek-kwek right now hihihi!!

6:04 am (DT)

Daisy: Its so masarap! (delicious)

6:05 am (DT)

Daisy: I'm cute right °√°

6:10 am (DT)

Daisy: You saw my story, aren't you?

6:11 am (DT)

Daisy: I know that you're there °^°

6:12 am (DT)

Daisy: Yah yah, I know that I'm irresistible :>

6:13 am (DT)

Daisy: You can't resist me \(°/////°)/

6:14 am (DT)

Daisy: Why do I feel like this is a déjàvu?

6:15 am (DT)

Daisy: Ken-ken-notice-me-senpai thingy??

6:16 am (DT)

Daisy: I've read some of our past conversations...and I got embarrassed .-.

6:18 am (DT)

Daisy: Ugh! Why am I acting to you that way before?! Its so embarrasing -.-!

6:20 am (DT)

Daisy: I'm so embarrassing! \(°/////°)/

Seen 6:23 am (DT)

Daisy: O_O

Seen 6:25 am (DT)

Daisy: Ken-ken? 0/0

Seen 6:28 am (DT)

Daisy: Is that you?

Seen 6:30 am (DT)

Daisy: Ken-ken you're seening \(°/////°)/

Seen 6:32 am (DT)

Daisy: You're seening again!\(°/////°)/

Seen 6:35 am (DT)

Daisy: I'm glad that you're seening!!!!

Seen 6:38 am (DT)

Kenneth: Stop talking to him.

Seen 6:42 am (DT)

Daisy: Huh?

Seen 6:45 am (DT)

Kenneth: I said. STOP. TALKING. TO. KENNETH.

Daisy: Who are you?

Seen 6:48 am (DT)

Kenneth: Kenneth don't care about you anymore. So stop chatting to him.

Daisy: Who the hell are you?!

Seen 6:50 am (DT)

Kenneth: He thought that why do he even chat with you though you're a fan? You are JUST a fan?

Daisy: Kenneth won't do that.

Seen 6:53 am (DT)

Daisy: And I'm not his fan anymore. I'm his girlfriend!

Kenneth: Tss. I don't think so. A boyfriend don't leave his girlfriend,am I right?

6:56 am (DT)

Daisy: He's not leaving me, He's just...doing some important stuffs.

Kenneth: What important stuffs are you talking to? Me?

7:00 am (DT)

Kenneth: I'm his 'important stuff' b*tch!

Daisy: Don't call me a bitch.

7:01 am (DT)

Daisy: Give his phone back to him. You're invading his privacy.

Kenneth: Wait, don't you think that you're the one who's invading his privacy? You're just an unknown fan. You're just a normal people who's crossing the street in those sh*t cities. You're nothing compare to 'us'.

Seen 7:05 am (DT)

Kenneth: You hurt?

Seen 7:06 am (DT)

Kenneth: I know that the truth hurts, dear. Endure that sh*t!

Seen 7:08 am (DT)

Kenneth: You. Are. Just. A. Fan.

Seen 7:10 am (DT)

Daisy: Yes. I'm just a fan. Yes, I'm just normal compare to him who's popular. Yes, I'm just one of those fangirls who's admiring and loving Kenneth from a far. Yes, I'm just that. But even though I'm JUST a fan, I respect others dignity. I respect others 'couz they're too need the respect. I respect everyone. Even you. I respect you though you called me a b*tch. If you're not going to respect me, just respect Kenneth instead. 

7:20 am (DT)

Daisy: If you're his friend, stop this nonsense fight.

Kenneth: Whatever.

Seen 7:25 am (DT)

Kenneth: Just remember this, an Idol don't belong to his Fan.

Seen 7:30 am (DT)

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