Thirty Seventh

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8:15 am (KT)

Kenneth: Daisy?

Daisy: Hi Ken-ken  :)

8:17 am (KT)

Kenneth: I thought you left me

Daisy: Do you want to?

8:20 am (KT)

Kenneth: Of course not! I want to be with you. So much.

Daisy: Why am I so lucky to have you?

Seen 8:23 am (KT)

Daisy: I'm just a fan. Your fan. I'm just one of those fangirls who's admiring and loving you from afar. I'm just that before.

Seen 8:25 am (KT)

Daisy:  All I want before, was you, to notice me. I've never ever expected all this things to happened. Even in my dreams.

Seen 8:27 am (KT)

Daisy:  But unexpectedly, you noticed me. You even talked to me like I'm your friend.

Seen 8:30 am (KT)

Daisy:  I fell inlove with you more.

Seen 8:32 am (KT )

Daisy:  But why do I feel like, this is all wrong? Why do I feel like all we did was just for fun?

Seen 8:35 am (KT )

Kenneth: No. There's nothing wrong in love.

Seen 8:38 am (KT )

Kenneth: I love you Daisy. I really do.

Daisy: And I love you too. You know that ken-ken.

Seen 8:40 am (KT )

Daisy: But Kenneth, we were inlove with a love that couldn't be. We shouldn't be here. I shouldn't be talking to you.

Seen 8:42 am (KT )

Kenneth: No. Why are you saying that? Come on Daisy! We're not playing games anymore!

Daisy:  Then I should stop.

8:45 am (KT )

Kenneth:  I don't fucking get it! Why all of a sudden you're saying that?! Did I do wrong?!

Daisy: Kenneth you did nothing, okay? 

Seen 8:46 am (KT )

Kenneth: Then tell me! So I can fuckin' understand!

Daisy: What we're doing right now, we should stop this.

Seen 8:50 am (KT)

Kenneth: Why?

Daisy: It's for the best to both of us.

Seen 8:52 am (KT)

Kenneth: Best? You think it's best? It's not best Daisy. It's worst!

Daisy: Ken-ken, can we just understand the situation?

8:55 am (KT )

Kenneth:  I tried to understand it, but I don't fuckin' understand!

8:56 am (KT)

Kenneth: Just please. Daisy, I don't want to leave you.

Seen 8:58 am (KT )

Daisy: But I want you, to leave me.

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