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5:03 pm (DT)

Daisy: Good morning ken-ken \(°/////°)/

5:05 pm (DT)

Daisy: Still not okay? :(

5:07 pm (DT)

Daisy: I'll make you okay hubby! XD

5:10 pm (DT)

Daisy: Okay?

5:11 pm (DT)

Daisy: I will sing.

5:15 pm (DT)

Daisy: I am a great singer btw ;)

5:23 pm (DT)

Daisy: But you'll regret it if you hear me sing XD

8:25 am (KT)

Kenneth: What's the commotion?

Daisy: Morning ken-ken! Have you ate breakfast?

Kenneth: Yeah. I'm on my way to the dance class.

8:35 am (KT)

Daisy: Ahh.

Seen 8:38 am (KT)

Kenneth: Anyway, you said you'll sing?

Daisy: Yeah. Actually I'm a singer :">

Seen 8:45 am (KT)

Kenneth: Oh really?

Daisy: Yeah. I'm a great singer in the bathroom  (•^• )

Seen 8:51 am (KT)

Kenneth(-___-# )

Daisy: \(°/////°)/

8:58 am (KT)

Daisy: Wait, your crush is in the dance class right?

Kenneth: I don't know, but it's possible

6:00 pm (DT)

Daisy: You really do have crush on her? :"<

Kenneth: Idk.

6:05 pm (DT)

Daisy: Denial.

Kenneth: I'm not. I just.... don't know.

9:10 am (KT)

DaisyYou know what Kenneth Paul San Jose, your character is a little bit confusing. Just a LITTLE bit.

Seen 9:12 am (KT)

Daisy: You said you're not inlove with Bailey but base on the way you act, you're deeply inlove with her. But you keep telling yourself that you just love her as a friend. And worst? You're making yourself a fool.

Seen 9:17 am (KT)

Daisy: Why do you have to do all this things?  Why can't you just confess your feelings to her?

Kenneth: I can't.

6:20 pm (DT)

Daisy: You can. You're just afraid.

Seen 6:23 pm (DT)

Daisy: Because you know that whatever happens, she can't love you back as the way you are to her.

Seen 6:25 pm (DT)

Daisy: Check yourself ken-ken.

Seen 9:30 am (KT)

Daisy: But remember this, always do what makes you happy :)

Seen 9:35 am (KT)

Kenneth: I'm contented on what Bailey and I right now. I'm contented of our friendship. Maybe I'm just upset of his boyfriend but that's all. I can take this Danica :)

Daisy: I know. I know how strong you are :)

9:40 am (KT)

Kenneth: Thank you. I'm now in the studio, talk to you later

Seen 6:42 pm (DT)

Daisy: Bailey's so lucky to have you ken-ken.

6:44 pm (DT)

Daisy: She's just too lucky :(

6:45 pm (DT)

Daisy: I wish that I can be Bailey so that you can love me too as the way you are to her.

6:52 pm (DT)

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