Chapter Six

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"Your father told me about what happened in your suite last night. Care to further explain?" Mom was basically reeling to hear the juicy gossip.

" To be completely honest with you mom, I have no idea what happened. One minute I was sitting on my couch, with a plate of brownies and Cory across from me and the next Derek is in the room swinging at Cory's face and rolling on the ground like an idiot. It was all very hectic." When I was finished I let out a big sigh, it honestly felt good to speak to my mother about all of this, she is my best friend if not my only friend in the entire world.

" That boy really likes you, you know."

" Yeah, I think he does and to be honest, I really like Cory as well, mom. I just feel so bad because of what happened and all." I was becoming a little shy at this point.

"Cory?" She said.

"Yeah, Cory. Who were you talking about?"

" Oh my poor naïve child. I'm talking about Derek honey, Derek. That boy is so taking with you that he's loosing control of his emotions and acting out!"

" What? Derek doesn't like me, mom. Derek doesn't like anyone he's incapable and as far as the acting out thing, that's just him being his normal aggressive self. And for some reason Cory seems to be his new target." I shrugged it off because any explanation was more reasonable than the concept of Derek possibly liking me. I mean lets be very serious here for a moment.

Derek, the star player of my fathers all star NBA basketball team, the boy who could have anyone he wants, and has had anyone he wants, Wants me. Naomi, with the unruly hair and the strange colored eyes? Yeah highly unlikely. Mom is wrong. She has to be.

"Mom you're wrong, there's no way he could actually like me." I said it with confidence because it had to be true, nothing else made sense.

"Okay baby girl, whatever you say." She kissed me on the forehead and began walking in the direction of hers and dads shared suite.

One of my favorite things about my parents is how long they've been together. The numbers are in everything they do.

The way she knows when dad needs a nap, or the way he knows what's bothering her before it even bothers her. They care for each other when caring for each other seems impossible. I want something like that, a relationship that radiates, love and infinite care. Unfortunately, I know that there is a possibility that it will never happen for me.

I don't know if I am truly okay with that or if that's just what I tell myself to survive.

Somehow through all that thinking, my feet had had a mind of their own and when I finally stopped walking I was dead center in front of the door to Derek's room.

Oh boy.

As I turned to make a quick sprint back around the corner and into my room, his door opened and there he was, in all his glory , dressed in his workout clothes, dad always made the players workout before the game that night, it was never mandatory, but I think after last night Dad was giving everyone a chance to release some pint up energy or frustration before tonight's game.

He didn't have any really bad scars that were noticeable to me, to be honest I am pretty sure he walked away from that fight without a scratch, yet it was his eyes that seemed to hold all the scars. He looked at me for a quick second before looking away like I burned him or my eyes were too bright.

I wanted to hug him. To apologize, to kiss all his hurt away and I had no idea why. Why I felt so strongly about a situation that I had told myself wasn't my fault. But I did. I cared and it hurt too much and before I knew what was happening my hand started to slowly raise as if it was going to touch- no caress- him. He saw it too because when I quickly snatched it back down and turned around to walk away, I saw him. I really saw Derek so I know he really saw me.

And that scares me. I am scared.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2016 ⏰

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