Chapter Five

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"Who is it-"

I started to say but when I saw Derek standing at my door fuming I stopped dead in my tracks.

"Is he in here?" Derek asked, shouting more than speaking.

"What? Is who in here Derek?" My patience were running low, he has no right coming to my room screaming at me.

"IS CORY IN HERE NAOMI?!?!" This time he pushes through me and storms in.

"Derek, What's going on?" Cory says, and just like that, Derek's fist collides with Cory's face, causing him to stumble backwards and trip over my bean bag chair and fall straight to the ground with a loud thud!

"Derek, YOU. NEED. TO. GO. NOW!!" I tried to push him out but of course he was too strong and wouldn't budge. By this time Cory is back on his feet, colliding his fist with Derek's toned face.

I stood there in shock not knowing what to do, all I knew was this is unnecessary and stupid. How old are we? We are getting to old to roll around on the floor hitting one another! What was fighting going to solve?

This is one of the many reasons I opted out of hanging with the girls as a kid. Even as a toddler I was never one for drama and noise, even if that did mean being classified as the weirdo or freak. I was okay with that! No drama in my life was always worth it.

So, that in mind I did the only thing that I knew would stop the stupidity that was being exhibited on my suite floor. "DADDDDDDDDDD!!" I called my dad and in minutes he was running in in his PJ's. He looked adorable, but you could see just how tired and old he was starting to get. Fame was aging him before his time and I hate that!

"What is going on in here?" Dad and some other guys pried Derek and Cory apart. Nobody answered Dad, I guess nobody knew what to say.

Cory's beautiful, life filled, green eyes had dark, heavy, nasty black rings around them dimming there normal radiating shine. It was truly a horrible sight and it rendered me speechless.

Derek on the other hand looked fairly untouched, but you could see the anger, hurt, and almost... betrayal in his dark brown eyes and that alone was a horrific sight! I couldn't help but feel responsible for everything that just went down.


I'm being ridiculous, I don't know what possessed Derek to come in here swinging like the blades of glory, yet I cant help but feel guilty for asking Cory to come in, knowing how Derek gets!

What have I done?

AND they have a game tomorrow . Dad looks pissed, while him and the other guys are pulling Derek and a red Cory out the room, Dads giving me the same look he gave me when I crashed the brand new Tahoe he got me when I turned sixteen.

I'm defiantly gonna hear about this tomorrow. I make my way over to my plate of sweets- whats left anyway- and climbed into bed.

There's nothing that can be done about anything tonight, and everything's to confusing to try and decipher right now, too many unanswered questions.

I had plans of finishing the plate off, but as soon as my head hit the pillow I was out like a light. Blame it on my exciting day!


The next morning I got dressed in my "The Sparks" jersey and my high wasted shorts, one blue sock, the other black, my converses and a sloppy bun to finish it off. I headed downstairs to breakfast in the lobby.

When I got down there I figured it would be weird and I was extremely nervous. But it was nothing like I thought... It was worse.

As soon as I got down there all eyes were on me.

I quickly got my food and was in the middle of picking a seat, again I cursed my Mother for only having one kid, but this time instead of ranging from annoying to kill me now. They looked like they ranged from We don't like you to We wish you would go away.

Neither sounded inviting so once again I sat in a corner all by myself. Mentally regretting my life! What happened last night is not my fault!

Why does it feel like I'm the only one here that thinks that? I hate this.

All out of the blue my phone started to buzz like crazy with Twitter notifications.

"@Corybraxton_baller " @NaomiC. You look very beautiful this morning.

Not only was it a Tweet but there was also a picture attached to it that he took of me when I was coming out of the elevator this morning! He was creeping.

Is he CRAZY? Does he enjoy those black circles around his eyes? God. that boy is not thinking before his actions, and I just know Derek is fuming! Oh and the fans are just eating this up.

"@CrazyforCory" @NaomiC and @Corybraxton_baller would be so cute together! I'm fangirling!"

"@NaomiLover" Cory should make his move on Naomi I would ship it!"

"#Nory" was what they were calling us and our ship name was officially trending world wide!

Twitter was going crazy and I had yet to respond to any of it. To be honest I didn't know how safe that would be for me or Cory, and by the looks Dad, Mom, Derek and the rest of the team- except Cory- were giving me, I don't think it would be the best of ideas.

I didn't respond, but I did send Cory a quick smile as I tried to make my get-a-way out of the tension filled mess hall. Unfortunately mother caught me on my way out and decided to join me.

AUTHORS NOTEEEEEEE: Sooo How Do You Guys Feel About #Nory?

I Tried To Leave You Guys a Long Update Soooo,

Leave Your Thoughts.

Until Next Time - Redd

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