Chapter Three

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I grabbed my pizza and mentally cursed my mom for only having one kid. Which means I either pick a table or eat alone.

My seating choices ranged from annoying  to kill me now! I didn't want to sit with the team, all they do is talk about basketball, tease me or pry into my personal life and I just don't want to be bothered. I also don't want to sit with my parents, they rarely get to see each other with dad always on the road, so I refuse to intervene.

I settled for a seat in the corner away from everyone. Alone it is.

Although I was sitting facing away from everyone I could feel this pair of eyes on me, burning holes into the back of my skull.  

I turned slowly expecting to see Derek or someone else from the team trying to annoy me or something, but when I did I was met by the most beautiful  pair of green eyes I'd ever seen!

They were like fresh spring grass green, an unforgettably beautiful green. Before I turned back around realizing I was staring, I caught a beautiful smile to match those perfect green eyes and a hard to miss scowl from no other then Derek.

I ate the rest of my pizza silently fangirling over the boy with the beautiful green eyes!

I had to find out more about him, like his name and when he joined the team. It shouldn't be too hard.

When we got back to the hotels it was around eight something and I wanted nothing more then to walk into my suite( I begged and begged to get my own) and take a long, steaming shower that would relieve every bit of stress I had at the moment, and I was prepared to do just that, when someone grabbed my arm and pushed me up against the wall. I was prepared to scream, trying to remind myself of all the things I learned in the self defense classes Mom dragged me to..

"DONT scream Naomi, it's just me, Derek, see look. Open your eyes!" Derek whispered.

Once I opened my eyes and realized it really  was just him, I made sure to knee him in his sensitive area before trying to once again unlock my room door. My stupid key wasn't working!

"Naomi, Im sorry... I didn't mean to scare you."

I could tell he was still in pain and I started to feel bad, a little.

Letting out a annoyed breath, I turned around about to apologize when I was beat to it by Derek's warm, soft lips crashing  into mine.

He caught me off guard so at first I just stood there.

Where was all this  coming from?

Why me?

Why now?

I didn't have time to talk as his tongue begged  for entrance. Surprising even myself I granted it. Feeling intoxicated  with Derek.

"Umhmm ... Am I interrupting?" Clide asked, seeming to have appeared out of no where. Scaring me half to death!

See Clide a side from Derek is the douche of the team. Derek's a douche but he's the fun loving kind, Clide is just a douche, period. A douche with crazy skill and even crazier amount of cockiness.

He might even be cute with his soft hazel eyes, if only it wasn't for that scary amount of cold starting to form in them.

"I-uh- I .... Have to go . Yeahhh ... I have to go ! " I managed to spit out as I FINALLY opened my door !

I rushed in locking the door tight behind me.

I started for my shower, I planned for earlier. Suddenly it was the thing I yearned for the most!

(A/N) Now, What Do You Think Of Derek?

Big ups to Clide for ruining the moment!

And The Green eyes. Any Thoughts? Comment and all That Good Stuff .

Until next time


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