Chapter Two

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(A/N) Enjoy!

It's no secret that Derek gets around, but lately he's been keeping an extra eye out for me. Stalking me on social media, texting me constantly and he even sent me some roses when I was home and sick so I couldn't make it to the draft pick. He's being sweet and I'm getting suspicious.

"Okay, Okay ... Let my daughter go Derek! Her father wants a turn." Dad pried Derek away from me and picked me up and spun me, as if I was still that 8 year old girl, that he showered with gifts instead of his presence!

"DAD, Dad! Put me down, please." I groaned, I honestly didn't know anyone was capable of being this irritated!

Dad finally  put me down.

"Your right, everyone in the car, we're going for pizza!" Dad announced and with that we put the luggage into the rooms and headed in 3 cars to the nearest pizza place.

I just want sleep!

That is literally all I want.

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