Chapter Four

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The next couple of days went by fairly smooth, a side form the occasional smirk and rude remark from Derek and Clide. Which I guess was expected anyway.

I'm not sure if it was just my exhaustion, but I sort of felt something when me and Derek kissed, yet he's acting as if nothing happened. I mean I hadn't expected a marriage proposal, but I guess I thought that the kiss would have changed something?

Then again Derek has kissed a lot of girls. So maybe it really was nothing.

I was walking back to my room, with a very unhealthy amount of brownies, when I was stopped, more like ran into, and with the day I was having I was not happy, but when I looked up I was met with beautiful green eyes.

"Shit, I'm so sorry, so so sorry! Are you alright?" He was stuttering and nervous, It was cute!

"Yeah I'm fine, it's fine. Hey, I'm Naomi, I don't think I know your name..." I said not having the heart to continue his misery.

"Cory. It's .. uh Cory" He said unsure of himself.

"Cory, that's pretty. I like it," I noticed him staring at my brownies, then I remembered I had swiped the rest of them from the table downstairs. I hope he hadn't been looking for any. With that thought in mind, and me being such a kind person, I motioned to my sweets.

" Cory would you like some brownies?" I laughed afterwards realizing how weird that was to be offering a perfect stranger brownies, but he's apart of the team, which means he's good with my dad, so he has to be an alright person.

I walked away after receiving a shake of the head as an response. He allowed me to walk ahead, which I knew was a guys easy way to look at a girls butt. I laughed.

I think he realized why I was laughing cause he quickly fell in step with me.

"Naomi." He tasted my name. I think he liked it.

"I love your name, it's beautiful."

"Thank you, I wish I could tell you some intricate history of how it's a family name but to be honest I don't have one. I do know that my mom is obsessed with names that start with an "N" so there, that's my intricate story." After letting me ramble a little more, he laughed, a lot. I liked his laugh it seemed real and I could appreciate some real in this industry.

We finally arrived at my suite. I seriously hope this wasn't a mistake, he seems cool and he's very handsome, but looks can be very deceiving.

"You can sit anywhere, I dont mind." I told him after getting the suite door opened. I went over and sat crisscrossed on the couch.

"I have a question" He just blurted out of nowhere. Kind of scared me a little, which caused me to drop my beautiful ( YES. beautiful) brownie in my lap.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you." He tried to keep a straight face but he couldn't and neither could I, we busted out into fits of laughter. Then all of a sudden he stopped laughing and just stared at me.

"What is it? Is there brownie on my face?" I was becoming frantic and uncomfortable.

" No, I'm sorry, it's just your eyes there beautiful. There gold but when you laugh they turn yellow, like a sun. I'm sorry that's so weird!" He all but jumped out of his seat, I let him know that it was fine and cool that he noticed such a small detail. But then I was reminded of his question and my curiosity was peeked.

"You said you had a question..."

"Oh yeah, I'm sorry, I forgot. Umm.. are you and Derrek a... a thing? Are yall dating?"

"NO!" I shouted, by accident. "What gave you that impression?" My mind went into panic, did Clide tell? I went back to my brownie, eating it greedily trying to act nochalant.

"I dont know, I guess I was just asking. Hoping you would say no, and you did." He said shrugging. Slowly coming out of his shell I see. Interesting.

"And why exactly is my relationship status any of your business?" I sounded pretty rude. I didnt mean to, it just came out that way, I felt bad as soon as I said it.

"Ummm... mmm..." He was starting to stutter again.

I refuse to let him go back to that, Oh No!

"Cory, I'm sorry I didn't mean to sound rude, I promise! I also didn't mean to make you nervous again, I actually don't care if you know my status or not it doesn't matter to me, I promise!" I stuck out my pinky and watched as his already beauitful green eyes- if possible- got greener as he turned his beautiful face up into a mouth watering, eye blinding smile.

He lifted his pinky to touch mine, us both smiling and shaking our heads at our ridiculousness.

He was about to speak again, but there was a knock on the door. I couldn't think of anyone it could be, but oh well. I got up to open it.

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