It's Time

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Layah's POV
It's been almost 4 months since I've seen or talked to Prince or Michael. I talk to Travis still and on occasions Prince would call but I can never fix my mouth to say anything.Last time he called and I picked up he said"I know you're there Layah and it's OK I forgive you it's been lonely but I'm glad to know that you're ok" about two weeks ago he left a message saying that he finished the song The Most Beautiful Girl In The World and I should receive it in the mail but I'll guess I have to wait and see.
*knock knock*
Layah: who is it?
Mail man:mail man.
*door opening*
Layah: oh hi thank you.
Mail man: you're welcome have a nice day.
Layah: you too.oh it came with a letter.

Prince's letter
Dearest Layah
This song truly expresses the way I truly feel about you.I'm not the type of man that spills out his feelings but I want you to that I love you and until you love me again you'll always be the most beautiful girl in the world.
Layah:(crying)I love you too.
*ding dong*
Layah:(whips tears) it's open.
Michael: (smiling) I'm glad I found you how come you don't pick up when I call?
Layah:(in shock) Michael what the hell how did you find me?
Michael:(grabs her and hugs her)don't worry about that I just came here to tell you that I've missed you and that I love you.
Michael: I love you.
Layah: Michael I love you too but as a friend I'm in love with someone else I'm sorry.
Michael: (looking down)I know you love him but you can love me too Layah I know you can.
Layah: Michael I can't in the same way as I do Prince and I'm sorry we can be friends and who knows what the future bri...
Travis: Layah are you in here?
Layah: Travis how did you find me?
Travis: I have my ways and why would you leave the door open and(turns and see Michael) what the hell is this?
Layah:Nothing we were just talking.
Michael: yea don't trip she loves him anyway excuse me I must be going now.
Layah: Travis what do you want?
Travis: you to come back to Paisley Park.
Layah:I can't Travis and you know why.
Travis: it's been almost 4 months and I know he told you that he forgives you just come with me.
Layah:I don't know Travis.
Travis: you'll thank me for this.
Layah: for what?
Travis:This(picks her up)
Layah:Travis put me down now I'm not going.
Travis:(puts her in the car) yes you are now shut up and enjoy the ride.
45min later***
Travis: Go in there.
Layah:I can't Travis don't make me do this please.
Travis: just go and get it over with here's the key and call me when y'all get done.
Layah:FINE!ahh I hate you!
Travis: I love you too haha bye now.
Layah's POV
Time to face the music.

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