Finding Out The Truth

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Layah's POV
It been two weeks since I was released from the hospital and every since I had that conversation with Destiny I've tried so hard not think about Travis doing anything to me that night at the club so since I can't remember I set up an appointment with an hypnotic therapist and Prince hasn't talked to me because he know about how I lost the baby he believes I lost the baby on purpose and I've tried to explained that the new test results will Be in next week I just wished he believed me.
(Door being opened)
Nurse: Layah Nelson?
Layah: I'm here.
Nurse: oh hello you'll be in room one and the doctor doctor should be with you momentarily.
Layah: ok and thank you.
Nurse: no problem.
15min later***
Doctor:hello Layah I'm Doctor Smith.
Layah:hi nice to met you(shake his hand).
Doctor: So what can I help you with?
Layah:well I can't remember what happend to me one night at a club.
Doctor:ok let's see if I can help why don't you lay down and just listens to the sound of my voice.
Layah:ok(lays down)
Doctor: alright ima count to ten and once I hit ten you'll be completely under hypnotics. 1..2..3 you should be getting sleepy 4..5..6..your falling deeper and deeper 7..8..9..10 now Layah tell me what you remember that night at the club.
Layah:I'm dancing with Travis slow dancing with him and he puts his hands on my waist and he he leans in for a kiss and I back away and tell him that I don't like him like that and he walks off angry like but then he comes back with two drinks he hands me one and apologise and I take the drink I remember drinking it and me and Travis start dancing again until I until I blackout I can't remember.
Doctor: Layah you can remember your just trying not to remember try to remember.
Layah:it feels like I'm being carried somewhere I'm in a room(crying) oh God I see...I see Travis and he's on top of me I can't move but I'm saying please I'm pleading for him not to do this (screaming) NOOOOOO!GET OFF OF ME!GET OFF OF ME PLEASE DONT DO THIS STOP TRAVIS!!
Layah: (still crying)Oh My God Travis RAPPED Me! I trusted him what am I gonna do?
Doctor:Layah you need to listen to me go to the police now they will help you.
Layah:I..I got to(runs out the room and exits the building)

TO BE CONTINUED... Hope y'all like this chapter .

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