Chapter 6

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Liam heads up to his room with the intentions of showering to get the dried blood off his skin, and also maybe to clear his head. But when he pushes open his bedroom door, he finds Zayn lounging on his bed, staring up at the ceiling. He doesn't even blink when Liam comes in, something that they all do, from time to time. They just sit, unmoving. It's disconcerting.

"I think," Zayn says softly, "that it'd be best for you to not come near my right now."

Liam frowns, shutting his door tightly. "You're the one in my bed," he points out. He crosses his arms over his chest and eyes the bathroom door. He really does need another shower, and he needs to change out of this shirt, too, and pray that the bloodstain comes out. "Why are you in my bed, by the way?"

Liam doesn't get an answer. He sighs and heads for the bathroom, not sparing Zayn another look. Liam's had his share of moody vampires today. He can't take anymore without flipping on someone, and the house is tense enough without Liam needing to add his own anger to the mix.

But as soon as Liam's shut the bathroom door and shrugged out of his shirt, just as he's leaning over to examine his neck in the mirror, the door opens and Zayn strides over to him. Liam makes an embarrassed sound and tries to cover himself, but Zayn glares at him so he stops.

"You're still bleeding," he comments, eyes fixated on Liam's neck. "Can I—?"

"No," Liam snaps. Zayn had taken enough from him this morning. "You can't, actually."

Zayn bites his lip. "That's not what I was asking," he says gently. "I just want to help. Let me, please."

"No," Liam says again. "You're not allowed to touch me right now."


"He has a point, you know," Liam says. He turns away from the mirror, leaning against the counter. He feels exposed like this, shirtless while Zayn's fully dressed. But Liam's always exposed, really, living in this house. He's like a bleeding swimmer in the ocean, and he's befriended the sharks that circle him. "No matter how well you all treat me, I'm still... I'm still your prisoner."

"You're not," Zayn says. "Liam, you're not."

"Then what the hell am I, Zayn?" Liam demands. "Tell me. What am I? You keep me around to feed off me. You don't let me leave. You won't turn me."

"Do you want me to turn you?" Zayn asks. He steps a little closer, eyes darkening. "Is that what this is about? Is that what you want?"

Liam pushes him away. Zayn barely moves, but he does move. It's for show, though. Liam knows it is, knows that Zayn only stumbled a bit to make Liam feel better about being so fucking powerless here. "I just want to know what the hell you all think you're doing," Liam gets out, anger making his words stuttered and unsteady. "Am I a toy to you? Are you all just — are you all just playing with me? I really don't get it."

"Are you that unhappy here?" Zayn counters. "Is it really that horrible for you?"

Liam looks away, dropping his gaze. "I don't know," he mumbles. "I just — I don't know what to think, Zayn. It's all really confusing for me."

Zayn moves into his personal space again, pushing Liam right up against the counter, cornered once again. "We need you," Zayn tells him, eyes flitting between both of Liam's before dropping to his neck for moment, blood still welling from the scratches there. "Not just because of that. You're vital, Liam." He cups Liam's cheek, trying to get his point across. "All of you. Maybe — maybe we do keep you around to feed off you, I'm not going to lie about that, we both know it. But that's not the only reason."

"Then why?" Liam prompts. "Why?"

"Because you've somehow roped us all into caring about you," Zayn admits. "Really, I don't know how you did it. But you did." His lips tilt up a fraction. "Don't ever doubt that, yeah? Don't ever doubt that, Liam."

"Okay," Liam sighs. Is there really any point in getting upset over something he can't fix? It can bother him all he wants, but at the end of the day he's still stuck here. Fighting with Zayn isn't going to change that, and Liam's not sure if he wants to change that. If he was given a choice, would he ever leave?

No. He knows he wouldn't.

"But you still didn't answer me," Liam remembers. "You didn't tell me what I am. If I'm not a blood-slave, then what am I?"

Zayn leans in, breath ghosting over Liam's neck. "You're Liam," he says. "My Liam, yeah? Just let me..."

Zayn doesn't finish that, but Liam's already tipping his head to the side, exposing his throat. Zayn gently brushes his hands up and down Liam's arms as he leans in, lips sucking at Liam's neck as his tongue slides over the wound. There's no pain, for once. Zayn's not biting him, he's just — running his tongue over Liam's skin. And it feels good. It feels really good. "Zayn," he mumbles, eyes closing.

"I hate that he hurt you," Zayn says against Liam's neck. "I hate that he even touched you."

Liam sighs and drags a hand through Zayn's hair. He's probably not allowed to do that, and normally he wouldn't test it. He's past the point of caring today, though, and Zayn's hair is soft and thick, sliding easily through Liam's fingers like silk. "I'm fine," Liam whispers. He doesn't trust himself to talk any louder with Zayn's lips still on him.

Zayn pulls back and Liam's eyes open, landing on his red-slicked, slightly swollen lips. "Mine, though. I don't like it when anyone else touches you," Zayn mutters. He thumbs at Liam's jaw before wiping the back of his hand over his own mouth, Liam's blood smearing with it. "That should heal soon," he adds, a little gruff, stepping back a step. "It's already closing over."

"Thanks," Liam says awkwardly.

"You're welcome." Zayn nods once before turning on the spot and heading out the door, shutting it softly behind himself.

Liam turns back to the mirror, inspecting his neck again. The wound is already healing. When he pulls back, he sees the flush in his cheeks, and he has no doubt that Zayn noticed it, too.


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