Chapter 20

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Liam wakes up in Zayn's bed. It should be a bit disconcerting, since he can't exactly remember how he got here, but it's not. The fireplace is lit, casting flickering light and shadows over the room. The blankets are kicked down to his feet, and his head is pillowed in the crack between both of Zayn's pillows. They smell like him, spicy-sweet, and Liam inhales deeply for a moment, enjoying all of it. The warmth of the fire, Zayn's silky sheets, the quiet of the cavernous room.

When he finally sits up, he wipes at his eyes, first, and then at his mouth. There's crusted toothpaste there, even though he can't remember brushing his teeth before bed. He can't remember much at all, actually, aside from the pounding music of the concert, a confusing amount of dancing lights and one single image of Louis wiping blood from his mouth.

That's all he's got. That and alcohol. A lot of alcohol. He remembers that most strongly, the horrible burn, the lovely weightlessness. And then there's anger, too, in his memory, but not his own.

"Zayn?" Liam calls. He tugs a hand through his hair, fingers getting caught, sharp pain going through him when he pulls them through the tangled mess anyways.

The bathroom door opens. Zayn's bathroom is the nicest in the house. It's all stone floors and pure white counters and the biggest tub Liam's ever seen. Zayn's hair is wet when he walks out, shutting the door behind himself. He's dressed in Liam's clothes, Liam's sweats and t-shirt, the black one with the hole near the bottom. The shoulders of it hang off Zayn a bit, dipping low at the collar, revealing his collarbone in a way that makes him look both too-thin and extremely jumpable, at the same time.

"Morning," Zayn says, soft and unreadable. "How're you feeling?"

Liam reaches for the blanket, tugging it up to his stomach. He plucks at the material, eyes on his movements instead of Zayn's. "Scale of one to ten, how mad are you?"

"Twenty," Zayn answers, flat and emotionless. He comes over to the bed, and Liam scoots over to make room for him, even though he just perches on the edge, back to Liam. "You scared the shit out of me, Liam. I thought you ran away or something, for a while there. And then I noticed Louis gone, too, and it scared me even more. You realize he could have gotten you killed, right? Not even on purpose, either, he's just a reckless idiot."

"We just went to a concert," Liam attempts, feebly defensive. "Nothing happened."

"Just a concert," Zayn repeats. "So why were you plastered out of your mind when you got back here, then?"

Liam winces, glad Zayn isn't looking at him. "Okay, and a club. But it was fine."

"I know that," Zayn snaps. "Obviously. You're here right now, aren't you? But — fuck, one little mistake and you wouldn't have come back. The world is dangerous, Liam, and you don't get how vulnerable you are."

"But I'm not," Liam argues. "What, because I'm human? So is most of the population, Zayn! People die every day, but not everyone does! People don't just hide in their houses forever because they could get hit by a bus when they leave. The chances of something like that happening are too slim to spend your whole life hiding because of it."

"I know," Zayn grinds out. Liam can tell, just from his stance, that he's pinching the bridge of his nose. "You really don't think I get that?"

"Then... then I don't really see what the problem is," Liam admits. "I really don't. And you all say that you're worried about me spilling your secret, announcing to the world that, hey, vampires exist. But you know I wouldn't, Zayn. Don't tell me you don't, because we both know that would never happen."

"I know," Zayn says again. He leans forward, head in his hands, fingers sliding through his own wet hair.

Liam has to touch him, has to reach out and rub at his back, do anything to get that tensed set of it to relax. He rubs circles against Zayn's shoulder blade, guilty because this is his fault and he knows it, but he can't make himself back down on this. "I want to be able to leave," Liam says. "Whenever I want, and come back, too. I don't want to leave forever. I just — I want to be able to go to and from without everyone making a big deal about it. I'd like to have a life, Zayn. Maybe. Eventually."

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