Chapter 15

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He ends up forgoing the clothes when he gets to his room. There's dried blood on the inside of his leg, and he feels dirty, probably from the rides and sweating and everything that happened yesterday. He climbs into the shower, turns the water on hot, and finds himself with one hand braced against the wall, the other wrapped around his prick, eyes squeezed closed as he tries (and fails, miserably fails) not to think about Zayn between his legs or Zayn's lips on his thigh.

After he's dressed, while his hair is still limp and wet, he heads downstairs, pulling the sleeves of his sweater down so they cover his hands. It's cold in the house today, his own room and floor chilly, such a contrast from Zayn's warm, cave-like room.

He finds a bowl of soup waiting for him in the kitchen, and he carries it out into the dinning room, only to find everyone (except Zayn) inside. Niall's eating, Harry's reading, and Louis is sipping wine with a smirk on his face. "We know what you were doing in that shower," he says as Liam sits down.

Liam nearly spills his whole bowl of soup. "E-excuse me?"

"Vampire hearing," Louis explains.

"Shut up," Niall moans. "Tryin' not to think about it."

"Zayn literally had to leave the building," Louis adds. "Went out of his mind. You're a hazard, Liam. Not that there's anything wrong with getting acquainted with your own body, or pleasuring yourself. I do it once a day to relieve stress. But maybe try not to moan while you're living with supernatural beings with an acute sense of hearing."

Liam blinks down at his soup, feeling even his ears getting hot, and it's not from the steam wafting from the bowl. It had looked appetizing when he'd first sat down, but now the creamy, fragrant soup makes his stomach churn. Oh, god, had they really heard him?

"Anyways," Harry says loudly. "How was the fair?"

Liam's eyes widen, and he looks at Louis, who has his hands raised defensively. "I didn't tell him."

Liam seriously doubts that. He still doesn't trust Louis, or like him very much. But there's something about the constant mischief, when it's not involving Liam's life, that he can't help but enjoy, just a little, tiny bit. Maybe he gets it, is the thing. Being cooped up in this place –- it gets boring, and maybe Louis understands that. Sure, he can leave whenever he wants, but when you've lived for so long, everything must seem tedious. He's just trying to relieve a bit of that boredom.

But if he's getting Zayn in trouble in the process, then Liam can easily go back to blindly hating him.

"It's my fault," Liam rushes out. "I, um, begged him to? I didn't give him a choice. Don't get mad at him, please, Harry." Sure, it's a lie, and normally he'd feel bad about lying to Harry but right now he doesn't.

Harry looks mildly surprised. "I'm not mad," he says.

"But—" Liam is confused. "I thought I wasn't allowed to leave. Zayn snuck me out."

Harry shrugs. "You're still alive. I'm sure Zayn didn't allow you to shout from the rooftops about us, and what we are. Niall, you see any reason for us to be upset?"

"Nope," Niall says easily, around another mouthful of soup that's starting to look a bit more edible, now that Liam's embarrassment has ebbed a bit and he's assured Zayn isn't about to get in trouble for last night. "No harm, no foul."

"There you go," Harry says. "No harm, no foul. So, was it fun?"

"Yeah," Liam admits, a little breathlessly as he remembers everything they'd done. "It was wonderful. Amazing. Best night of my entire life."

"I bet," Louis says, waggling his eyebrows. "Only the best nights end with waking up in someone else's bed."

Liam goes red all over again. "It wasn't like that," he says lowly. "I fell asleep in the car and Zayn carried me upstairs."

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