Chapter 18

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By the time they stumble out onto the street, the clouds cleared above them, stars shining brightly, Liam can't believe he had any doubts. "That was amazing!" he shouts at Louis, too used to having to raise his voice to be heard from the past three hours of doing so.

His ears are still ringing, his heart is pounding. He's sweaty and too hyped up to stand still. He still has no idea what band just played, but that doesn't matter. It was good music, so loud from where he was standing. The crowd shouted the lyrics back at the lead singer, and the drummer was incredible. It was everything Liam had expected it to be. No, it was better.

"Glad you had fun," Louis says, linking their arms together. "Want to have more?"

"It's eleven," Liam points out. "What fun can be had this late at night?"

Louis smirks. "A lot."

Louis hasn't steered him wrong yet, so Liam shrugs and lets Louis guide him down the street, and the next. Louis stops at a club, and Liam eyes the open door warily as Louis leans in to say something to the bouncer. They're waved in, no I.D. needed, and Liam is starting to have reservations again.

"Louis," he says cautiously. "Are you sure we should be doing this?"

"Have you ever been drunk before, Liam?" Louis asks.

"Um." When would he of had the chance? What would be the point? "Not really."

"We're ticking another thing off on your list of things you've never done," Louis says. "Just go with it. I promise it'll be fun."

Liam's eyebrows draw together in concern, but once again he lets Louis take control of things. He's dragged through another crowd, different from the one at the concert. There's a lot less clothing, a lot more grinding. Liam feels really out of place, but Louis looks completely at home amongst the flashing lights and pounding bass and the sharp smell of alcohol in the air.

They stop at a long counter with stools that spin when you sit on them. Louis stands between two of them, hand wrapped securely around Liam's wrist to keep him close as he shouts an order at the bartender. "Two shots of your most expensive vodka," Louis orders. "Actually, make that four. And can you get my friend here something to chase those with?"

"Sure thing," the bartender says. "Anything specific, or is Coke fine?"

Louis shrugs noncommital and Liam leans forward to whisper, "Why four? You can't get drunk."

Louis turns just enough to flash his fangs at Liam. "I know. Those are all for you."

Liam gulps nervously as the bartender places four tiny glasses on the counter and fills them each rapidly, somehow managing not to spill a single drop on the black counter. He pulls out another glass, pops the tab on a Coke and fills it, and then Louis moves out of the way, gesturing for Liam to go.

"I just –- drink them fast, right?" he asks.

"Best to try not to taste it," Louis agrees. "It'll burn, and it tastes like shit, but you can do it."

Liam nods, more to himself than anything, and grabs the nearest shot glass. He takes a deep breath, counts to three, and tosses it back.

It does burn. It tastes awful. He feels it the whole way down, settling heavily in his stomach. He splutters, bending over with a cough, and Louis thumps at his back while pressing the cold glass of Coke into his hands. "It'll help," he explains.

Liam wipes tears from his eyes and takes a big sip, but the burning carbonation doesn't help much. He places the glass down a little roughly and rubs the wetness from his lips. "That was horrible," he says. "Why do people drink this?"

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