Chapter 2 "Sarah"

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Aleks P.O.V

I was on my way back home to where I lived with my amazing boyfriend, Kevin. I had just finished doing a Creature stream with the guys, reading comments, being yelled at by Nova for cheating. Today was actually pretty fun, although, with the guys, anything is possible. Typical day with the guys I guess.

I finally arrived, pulling out my keys, opening the door.

All you could hear was the sound of my keys dropping to the floor, then thump of me falling to my knees.

"Kevin... How... Why would you do this?"

Kevin was in the living room, his arms around some girl that I don't even know who the fuck she could be, and what was she doing making out with MY boyfriend?

"Oh please Aleks, cut the shit."


"Did you really think I ever loved you? Did you really think I was ever GAY?"

"You said... But you promised."

"Promises were made to be kept or broken, I choose to break them."


"Us being together was all to fuck with you that's why! I never really cared about you! I just like making people feel like shit."

"Why did you choose me?"

"You act like you're such a bad boy, like you go by no rules, tough shit, big shit. I wanted to prove how much of a wimp you are. You are just weak Aleks! I knew you had a thing for me, and I took the opportunity."

"You are a fucking asshole..." I rose to my feet, wiping the tears from my face.

"You're worthless Aleks... I can get any girl, you probably could too, but you chose to be a fucking fagget."

"What's it to you Kevin?"

"Your suffering..."

"I fucking hate you Kevin!"

"Yo! Aleks, baby what's wrong?"

"Agh, god fucking damnit. It's just another nightmare." I held my forehead in my head, the beating pain in my head.



"What this time?"

"I found you kissing some girl, told me how I was a worthless fag and how you never loved me."

"Awh, baby I will always love you! A girl, really?"

"I'll always love you too Kevin, and Yeah..."

"Leaving you for a girl won't be happening Aleks." Kevin giggled.

"Shut up." I said nudging him in the arm.

"Let's go out for breakfast? IHOP sound good to you?"

"That sound great actually, thank you Kevin."

"Anything for my babe, whom I will ALWAYS love."

"Yeah I'm guess."

"You guys? What, do I have to fucking write in on your face so you remember?"

"Uhm no."

"Well I'm going to."

"Do it, I fucking dare you!"

"Hold since for one second and I will!"

Kevin grabbed a pen from his desk, moving it only inches away from my forehead.

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