Chapter 5 "Help"

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Enjoy... Or not

Aleks P.O.V

I woke up weeping, with a major headache like no other I've ever had.

I felt terrible, no to mention hot and hungry, really hungry. It seems my nightmares to continue to get worse, how long until they start to tear me apart until I finally kill myself?

"It was just a dream Aleks... That's all they've ever been... Dreams..."

With that my stomach rumbled, making me groan. I wish I wasn't here and I could atleast get myself some breakfast or something to eat, anything. I stood up, stretching my body, but moaning with pain from the way I've slept. I could hardly keep myself standing, having a pain in my lower back, feeling as if my spine just couldn't put up with my shit. I walked over to the window of which there was still no way of ever escaping, to see that Sarah again wasn't here. Has she still been gone since yesterday? Or did she come back while I slept and left before I could wake? No food means grumpy Aleks, and I hate having such a bad attitude about it.

I decided to sit back down, slightly bending down so I didn't feel the harsh pain. I failed and I made a bad move, making me scream in agony and making a loud thud as I fell to the hard floor.

"Shit!!! Fuck this!"

I didn't wanna move, I can't stand such pain. There is nothing I can do to get out if this. All I have to do is cry, and hope somebody, anybody can save me from here. I remember a clock being in the room and I slightly positioned myself to where I was comfortable and could see it.

"Two o' clock?"

Did I really sleep that long? I hardly ever do. Maybe that's because I'm forced to wake up early for The Creatures to record and such, and my own responsibilities. I wonder what they're doing right now. Are they even trying to get back? If they are, then why haven't they yet? Why is it taking them so damn long? Who the fuck am I kidding? They aren't looking for me, they aren't coming for me. I bet they don't even give a flying fuck about me. So much for "The Group", my boyfriend hasn't even came for me yet, not even my best friend... Eddie. I stared at the ceiling, trying to keep myself from falling back to sleep due to my boredom.

I was then startled by the sound of the front door being slammed. I heard rushing foot steps coming up the stairs and I began to tense up.

The door swung open, revealing an older man, followed my Sarah behind.

"Get up." He said harshly.


"I said to fucking get up!" He grabbed my by the collar of my shirt, lifting me up against a wall.

"My back, god damnit!" I yelled, the pain was killing me.

"Awh you have back pain? Suck it up you fagget." He slapped my across the face, making me whimper.


"Please? Sarah, give me the rope." He huffed.


"Did I say you could talk? Shut the fuck up." He then slapped me across the face a second time.

"Sorry..." I whispered.

Sarah had five long strands of rope, to which the male began to tie around my wrist and ankles. What is he doing? He can't be...? No...

He lifted me over his shoulder, once again making me wince in pain over my back. He brought me into a dark room with no windows, there only being a bed. Tossing me on it he began to tie each end of the ropes to a bed post.

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