Chapter 10 "Rest"

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Kevin P.O.V

Turns out, Aleks was just having a reaction to the medication and they changed his prescription. He fell asleep on the passengers seat, my poor baby. It was hard for him to sleep with all the nurses checking up on him and waking him up all the time. When we got to the house I tried not to wake him, picking him up bridal style. Even though I tried to make sure he stayed alseep, he yawned, wrapping his arms around my neck with a groan and nuzzled his face in my shoulder. I almost forgot about his broken rib, shit.

"I'm sorry baby..."

"It's okay, I'm fine."

"I'm gonna get you to be alright?"


I ruffled with his hair, carefully opening the door with my key and making my way up to our room. I gently placed him on the bed, and he wiggled around to get comfortable. I really hope he heals, I'm just glad they were finally able to release him to me under my care.

"Don't stress your self too much Aleks, I don't want you to hurt yourself worse than you already are."

"I'm fine, I just, need to position myself to where it won't hurt."

I grabbed a pillow, picking him up a bit and placed it under him. He later back down, letting out a sigh of relief and covering him self up with the blanket.

"Thank you Kevin..."

"No problem babe, I'll give you your medicine in a bit okay?"

"I hate my medicine..."

"I know you do, but it the only way you'll get better. You're strong remember?"

"Yeah, I guess."

"Get some rest, I know how you haven't gotten any sleep so it would be best. If you need anything I'll be recording some Gun Point, don't hesitate, I'll be able to help you no matter what. Better yet, here's your phone, I'll have mine with me, call me and I'll care to your every need."

"My phone, oh my gosh, I'm missed it. Damn dude, I have a lot of text from.... Tiffany?"

"Delete em', I'm sure she's up to her bullshit antics, she needs to get her shit together."

He giggled a bit, "Yeah, good thing I have an IPhone though, it would be hard to delete 62 messages."

"That much?"

"Yeah, she'll get over it."

"Let's just hope."

"It'll be fine, don't do anything stupid alright?"

"I won't, I promise Aleks."

"Good, I'll be going to sleep then, wake me up in three hours?"

"No problem, sleep good."

I left the bedroom door open slightly, then running downstairs to make sure the doors were locked. So maybe I still was paranoid, but I don't want to loose Aleks again, I'd never forgive myself if I did. I went up to my set up room and decided to call up James on Skype chat, maybe record some GTA V or Trouble In Terrorist town while Aleks rests for a bit. Thankfully he was online, so I hit him up.

"Hey Kevin, what's up? How's Aleks?"

"He's good actually, taking a nap since he was finally released."

"Thank god, we're all relieved."

I sighed, "Yeah, I'm just glad I got there in time and he's alive."

"Look Kevin about taking long-"

"It's alright James, don't worry about it. I'm just glad he's gonna be okay..."

"I'm so sorry Kevin... You know we all love Aleks."

"I understand..."

"I know it's hard and he'll never be the same again, but things will be just as they were before."

"I have no doubts in that at all. So, I was wondering if you wanted to record something?"

"Yeah sure, I was gonna record some Chivalry, but I could go for some GTA V Online, you in?"

"Totally, let's do this shit!"

Aleks P.O.V

"I shit!! Dude, what the fuck?! How did he?! What the fuck just happened!?" I heard Kevin yell.

I yawned, taking a look at the time. I'd woken up thirty minutes earlier than I wanted, ah what the fuck. I'm not tired anymore so I search around for the remote control but it was on my desk and I couldn't get it. I sigh, sitting up carefully on the bed. I groaned in pain, this still fucking hurts but I wanna be able to do something myself instead of being fucking useless. I stood up, slowly making my way to the desk, grabbing the remote and tossing it on the bed.

"Oh god! Dude, did you see that?! He fucking blew it up!" Kevin yelled again.

I wanted to see what he was up to, so I walked to his room trying not to hurt myself. I didn't bother to knock and I turned the knob walking inside. He was playing GTA V, and I think he was recording it though.

"James, wait! What the fuck, don't leave me here!"

I heard James laughter through his headset, Kevin trying to escape the horror and chaos that was happening. What the fuck is with all the explosions? I walked closer to his chair, leaning on it for support. I'm guessing because of the new found pressure on his chair, I startled him making him turn his chair and I flinched from the pain as I tried to move away.

"Fuck" I muttered.

"James hold on a second, Aleks oh my god I'm sorry! What are you doing out of bed? I told you to call me if you needed anything, now I hurt you."

"I just didn't wanna seem like a useless fuck in bed, and I'm alright."

"James, Aleks is out of bed, I think we'll stop it here. Yeah? Alright then, talk to you soon."

I grasped at my chest, hoping the pain would kinda die down a bit. Maybe I should have stayed in bed. I know I'm not suppose to stress myself, but being in bed all day don't really as great as you think, atleast not for me.

"Come on Aleks, back in bed, this time I'm staying there and making sure you do. Baby, you should still be alseep."


"Aleks, don't start."

"I'm not tired, i don't want to sleep anymore."

"Okay then how about this, I'll order a pizza and put on a movie and we'll watch together?"

I thought for a moment, "Yeah, I like that."

"Cool then come on!"

Kevin once again picked me up bridal style carrying me to my room. He placed me on the bed, grabbing a few extra pillows and fixing then to make it comfortable for me to sit up. He's so sweet, I'm luck to have him... Too lucky.

"I'll order the pizza, let me go pick out a movie and I'll be right back."

I nod and he left the room, me once again left unattended. I waited about five minutes until he came back stuffing his phone in his pocket and holding the movie in his hand.

"I ordered stuffed crust pepperoni if that's alright with you?"

"You kidding dude? I love stuffed crust!"

"I know you do, just hoping you still did."

"So uhm... What movie did you get Kevin?"

"Oh, I was in the mood to watch insidious."

"Oh great, a scary movie? We'll this should be fun..."

"Oh come on, it's not even scary!"

"Maybe for you! Shit dude, stuff like that scares the shit out of me! Hence being a horror movie."

"Technically I would classify this movie as horror, it's like a simple jump scares shit."

I sigh, "Whatever, put it in."

"Sweet!" Kevin took out the disk and put it into the DVD player, and right then and there, the door bell rang.

"Damn dude, is that the pizza already? That's was fucking fast!"

"Well I mean, it's just right here, not that far from here. Let me go get it."

I'm waiting for him again, lovely! See this would be much better if I could actually do shit. He came back again with a box of large pepperoni stuffed crust and two cans of Pepsi max. Everyone knows how much I love it, so Kevin likes to keep the fridge stocked. Yes, I'm an addicted, I'm fucking ImmortalHD.

"Yup, totally the pizza guy obviously. Let's start the movie shall we?"

"Cuddle me?" I pouted.

"Well I should because you're in pain, but okay I'll try to be gentle with you."

"I love you Kevin."

I'm stuck at a health center... Help.

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