Chapter 13 "Kevin's Nightmare"

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Kevin P.O.V

"I love you Aleks..."

"I love you too Kevin... But it's just..."

"But?... Aleks... What's going on?"

Fear spread all through Kevin, and at this point, he was shaking more than he ever has. He's never seen Aleks this way. Aleks had a sense of guilt plastered to his face and tears began to stream down his face as he fell to his knees, hands covering his face as he began to weep loudly and his breathing was heavy. Kevin's heart was hurting, why was Aleks acting this way? What was so bad that he couldn't tell him? Aleks had a bare hard secret he'd been keeping, a terrible one, and he couldn't decided whether he regret it... Or he loved it. All he knew, was that one of them was gonna have to end, and he didn't know which one...

"Aleks...?" Kevin cried once more.

"I've done something really bad Kevin, very bad... I don't know what to do..."

"Babe... What is it? You can tell me... Please... Tell me."

"I-I... I don't wanna hurt you..." He stuttered.

"Don't worry about that.... Just... Tell me... Why are you doing this?..."

"Kevin... I've been cheating on you..."

"You've... What?"

Kevin's heart shattered to peices, he felt broken, like someone shoved a knife throw his heart, put a bullet through him and ended his life. Aleks had cheated in him?... After everything... He'd went out of his way for him... To cheat on him? Kevin couldn't say I word, he just scooted, backed away from Aleks slowly... He stared blanking at the man who was suppose to be his boyfriend... The dear of love his life... Had he really done this?

"I'm... I'm sorry Kevin... I didn't mean to... It was an accident... It wasn't suppose to happen..."

"How long..."


"How... Long..."

"It's been... About a Month..."


Kevin was angered, it was boiling inside him. Whoever did this wasn't going to get an earful from him... No... He was going to get the shit beaten out of him. Kevin loved Aleks with all his heart, but now he didn't know anymore. He thought Aleks was meant for him, everything he's ever wanted his whole life, and he believe he found that one person.... The one person who could change his life forever. Even if he did go after whom he'd been with, he just could help but think.... Can I ever trust him again?

"Kevin... Please-"

"Aleks, you better fucking tell me who the fuck it is..."

He hesitated, "N-Nova..."

James... That fucking asshole...

"I'm gonna tucking kill him...."

"Kevin, no please!"

"I'm going to fucking him, I'm going to fuck his shit okay. I don't give a shit what you say, you aren't going to stop me."

"Kevin, no, I love him!"

"I LOVE YOU ALEKS! But you cheated on me? After everything... You so this too me?" More tears streamed down my face, I can put together all this.

"I'm sorry! I didn't mean for it to happen... It just... Happened..."

"Aleks... I promised you... I promised you so many times... I'd never leave you... But this? Wanna keep my promise... But I don't know if this one is meant to be kept."

"Kevin... I-I'm so sorry..."

Kevin wanted as he reached in to his pants, pulling out something and he was stunned.... Aleks pulled out a pistol... Shaking as he held it in his hand. He began to weep harder, wiping tears from his face. Aleks couldn't handle the pain, he hoped Kevin would understand, be more sincere to get organized through it... And maybe... Just maybe it wouldn't change anything between them... But he knew he was wrong from the beginning... He knew what he had done. Why would Kevin be forgive for something terrible he had done to him?

The pale Russian regret the one thing that began it all, the one place he should have stopped to prevent it it had become. He should have refused the kiss from James after the RTX panel. They both knew Aleks had enjoyed it, and he hated the thought. James pleaded to keep this their little secret, and Aleks knew he shouldn't have, but he was lost in him. They started off with meeting at The Creature house, telling Kevin they'd be recording their own little series together, but the lie killed Aleks inside. Little get togethers and make out sessions turn into heated moans and pleasure in a land of bliss and that's when things got out of hand... Aleks lost control.

Aleks lifted up the gun to his head, his finger on the trigger, "I didn't mean to hurt you..."

"Aleks no!"


Damn this is short.


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