Opening Night Part 2

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(a/n hey guys! this chapter is kinda long lol so this will be like a 3 part thing ig... if you dont know what hamilton is stop everything you are doing and listen to it!!!)

"What do you mean we have an emergency?" asked Leslie. "HOPE IS HURT IN THE HOSPITAL AND WE NEED A REPLACEMENT, NOW!!!" yelled Tommy Kail. Everyone just started freaking out because 2nite was Opening Night and no one knew Hope's part since her part had just been added into the show a couple of weeks ago(long story). Everyone turned their heads and looked at me. "What are you all looking at me for?!?!?" I asked. "Aren't you a dancer?" Daveed asked "Yea... why" "And you can sing, right?" Carleigh asked. "OH SHE CAN SING" yelled Dad "Can you play Hope's part just until we can teach a swing her part" "ummmm" I said nervously " I taught her EVERY part in the show" said Dad. He was right. He did teach me every part...including Hopes..." PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE" said Jas, Renee and Pippa in unison. "FINE" I said. I can't believe I said yes. I'm actually going to make my BROADWAY DEBUT tonight. "WAIT, WHAT ABOUT THE COSTUME??" asked Oak. Crap that is true I forgot that I need a costume. The dresser pulled my arm backstage signaling me to try on Hope's costume. "SHE CAN FIT HER COSTUME!!!!" "YAYYYYYYYYY" the whole cast yelled.

We all ran the show. "Who lives, who dies, who tells your story". That was it. Our last run through before we open on Broadway. Everyone started to leave one by one to get ready. Dad and I drove back home. "Excited?" said Dad "Yea, I guess. I'm just so nervous." I said "Don't be. You will be great." We were planning not to tell Mom until we got to the theater. I slipped on a skirt and floral shirt just to look presentable walking into the theater. I grabbed my ruby red dress, black heels, my makeup kit and we left. Sebastian couldn't come because the after party would be wild. I'm 16 so I can basically take all the crazy people. After we told Mom. She screamed! She gave us hugs and kisses. We went backstage as Mom helped in the front. I could hear Thayne yelling, Jasmine singing her heart out and Andrew Chappelle talking to Leslie about Pastels. It was also Leslie's birthday so we celebrated before the show. We all gathered on the stage, prayed and did the gypsy thing. Betsy ran around the stage yelling 'OH YEAH BABY". Ya gotta love this cast;). I was in the girls dressing room talking to Pippa as we were all shaking and panicking about how nervous we were. "SHOWTIME" Tommy yelled. OH MY GOSH. THIS WAS IT. IT'S HAPPENING. I peeked outside to see an audience full of people. "OMG. Is that Billy Porter??!" I whispered to myself. "Yep" said Oak. "Pretty cool right?" Ariana chimmed in. Before I knew it Leslie was onstage. "How does a......" (No swearing, lol). THIS WAS IT. I WAS ABOUT TO GO ON STAGE.........

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