The World Turned Upside Down

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I woke up to see Anthony, my Dad, Mom, Jas, Pippa, Oak, Daveed, Renee, Thayne, Chris, Carleigh, Jon and some more of the cast looking worried. I noticed that the room I was in looked like a hospital. I freaked out because I was in a hospital "DAD?!? MOM?! ANTHONY?" I said. "We are here mi ninita." said Dad. "What happened!?! Why am I here?!? Why does my chest hurt so much?!" "Well...."


Anthony's POV

After we woke up, we got some breakfast at "Little City Big Heart Cafe". She ordered the pancakes and I ordered the eggs and bacon. After that we went to a park to hang out, laugh and just talk. She kept touching her chest and looked like she was in pain. "You okay, kid?" I asked "Yea. Probably some heartburn. I'm fine" I nodded. After that we started playing a one on one soccer game. Until she started screaming. I ran over to her to see her in pain. I held her in my arms then she passed out right there in my arms. "HELP HELP PLEASE HELP I NEED HELP" I screamed. After that we rushed to the hospital. I dialed some of the cast and especially her parents. What was I supposed to tell Lin and Vanessa!?  I was supposed to be watching her. Why she all of a sudden pass out. After that people started to come in to see Bailey. I told Lin and Vanessa everything that happened.


"Ms. Miranda, we regret to inform you this news but um, you have stage 3 Breast Cancer" said the Doctor. This couldn't be. I have cancer. How? I'm healthy. I eat right. What is wrong with me? Why does this have to happen to me. No one will love me now. I'll be too sick for anyone to care for me. Everyone just ran to give me hugs as we all saw tears in each others eyes. "We have to take you into surgery stat." "MOM DAD IM SCARED NO PLEASE" I screamed as they were sitting in their on puddle of tears. I don't know why this has to happen to me. WHY ME? MY WORLD WAS SUDDENLY TURNING UPSIDE DOWN.

A/N Hey guys! Sorry I have been so busy!! I'm back. This story might get sad..... hope you like it though!! - Lexi

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