Worried Sick

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Phil's P.O.V
I'm worried sick about Smiley. She never smiles anymore, ever since the day I found her crying she doesn't smile. And it's  caused me to be depressed. I never eat, never talk to anyone, and everyone's worried about me. Even Smiley.

"Phil! You need to come here right now!" Phred came in screaming.

"Why? What's happening?" I ask quietly.

"It's Smiley!" As he said this I jumped up and ran. I followed him into the bathroom and into a stall. I saw her sitting on the ground sobbing.

"Smiley? What happened?" I ask. She wanted to speak but couldnt. Something happened that made her silent. It hurt me, more than anything.

I bring her into a hug and felt her tears fall onto me. I felt her shaking, her soft sobs coming from her, her breath unsteady. She was crumbling and it's all because of Five.

*30 minutes ago*
Smileys P.O.V
Five just got worse and worse, no one could protect me. It was just Ginger and Dan but they never find out til I tell them. I have to just fight through every day, I eat nothing, I can't smile, and im silent.

Today Five came up to me, he kicked me in the stomach causing my breath to stop for a second. He kicked me in the leg making me fall down hard. Five just laughed and then walked away.

Phil's P.O.V
I finally got her to talk. She didn't want to talk about what happened. I know this is all Five, and I want to help her but I'm scared. Come on Phil protect her.

I sit in class waiting for the teacher to come in. Finally she does and we all listen. I turn to look at Smiley, no smile just a frown and a look of lost in her eyes. My heart sank, I wish I could help her. Nothing, I couldn't think of anything that could hopefully help Smiley! I get frustrated, why can't Five just be nice, we all can just get along, and nobody bullied another. I could only imagine.

"Phil...don't worry about Smiley." Phred says to me.

"I can't Phred, I'm worried sick." I almost cry before I could finish my sentence.

"Phil! Defend her okay! If you're so worried about Smiley, defend her from Five." Phred nearly made me fall out of my seat, I've never seen him get so excited.

"You're right...i-i think I...nevermind." I wanted to tell him I love Smiley but the words didn't come out. They were stuck in me.

"You like Smiley? Tell her, don't be afraid Phil." I smile at him, he always helps me through things.

"Thanks Phred." I say getting up to hug Phred, he hugs back.

Phred is the one to help me through tough times and is by my side no matter what. He gives me ideas, confidence, and things to say. Whenever I'm sad, mad, confused, or scared I go to him. I will defend Smiley, no matter how scared I am. I will tell her I like her, and she will hopefully say I like you too.


Hey everybody!!! This chapter is kind boring but the next is the best chapter EVERRRRRR!!! I will update that at like 2 or 3 :) yeay


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