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Phil's P.O.V
"Yes." Smiley said as she teared up. Everyone started cheering for us. I felt so happy, I stood up and hugged her. Next I kissed her and I felt amazing.

Afterwards Smileys cousins took pictures. Phred and Zack hugged me and I never wanted to let go. People came and told me good job getting engaged. They were nice except for Five's parents, they were...buttholes.

"Hey Phil...I'm sorry." Ginger says.

"Do you need me to get the other four?" I ask referring to Smiley, Phred, Zack, and Dan. She nodded so I brought them over.

"Hey guys...I'm really sorry for everything. I swear I will do anything to make it up. Dan...I still love you and I know you hate me. Smiley...your a great friend, really you are. Phred and Zack you are awesome people. Phred...I'm so sorry, I put you all in danger and I hate myself for that." Ginger says as everyone starts crying.

"We forgive you, right guys?" I say as everyone nods their head.

"Thank you, also Matt wants to meet you." Ginger says as Matt approaches us.

At first I wanted to punch him but I then remembered how he helped me. Ginger told us that Matt got her to realize she was being awful to us. Which was nice. We got to know Matt and I liked him. He's cool, everyone liked him.

"Okay, everyone!! Get over he and make a big circle!" I shouted as Ginger, Smiley, Phred, Dan, Matt, and Zack gather in and makes a circle.

"Okay now put your hand in the middle." They did and I joined, "on three...friends. I guess."

"1..." I thought of all the time I made fun of Smiley. "2..." The time we kissed and our date. "3..." The time Phred told me to just tell her my feelings. "FRIENDS!!" I thought of now and the rest of my life as everyone shouted.

The rest of the time we went outside and ate ice cream and took more pictures. As we were taking a picture Smiley kissed me making me shocked. I realized what was happening and I kissed back. Peopled awwed and I smiled like a dork.

We headed to our cars and tears burned in my eyes. I know I'll get to see them at college but not like all the time. Don't forget where you belong...home. Well this is my home, with these dorks.

Smileys P.O.V
I started driving home and I was crying. I was crying because I was thinking of all the amazing memories, Phil engaged to me, and not seeing my friends till college. Besides Phil.

I look at my hand on the steering wheel. I see my ring and smile, I love the feeling of being love. I look up to bright lights and my heart stops. I was too late, my car crashes into another car and I flip over the bridge and fall down. My car lands on the ground and I shut my eyes.

Shout at me. ANOTHER CLIFF HANGER!!! REALLY!!?!?!? I'm sorry....I love you all!! I do. Do you guys know what's gonna happen??????

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