Chapter 9: How do you even move?

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"I mithed you." I said as I hugged him around the waist. "I mithed you too." "Where'th Mit and Dad?" "Back home." "Ok, tho....ththssssthto.....godammit why do I have a lithp all of a thudden?" "Probably becauthe you're a Captor now." I turn around and see that, instead of legs, I now had 7 foot long snake tail, complete with fangs, horns, and yellow skin. "The fuck?" I tried to move foreward, but ended up falling flat on my face. Sollux had to keep from laughing. "Thut up! I haven't had any practithe in 9 yearth!" "Fine, I'll carry you. Itth not like you're any heavier 9 yearth later." "Fuck you."

A/N: Sorry this chapter is so short! I had a little case of writers block and I didn't really know where to go with this! Feel free to give me some suggestions for later chapters!

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