Chapter 15: Well, shit

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Ok so before I start writing this chapter I want you to know that if you still haven't guessed who the character was in the previous chapter is (again sorry if it was really easy) I'm gonna reveal them in this chapter so if you don't want to know who it is yet I suggest you not read this chapter. K that was all. Enjoy this chapter!
"Almost.... there!" I panted as I almost reached the top of the cliff. It was easier to climb now that I had dried off a little, but the footholds were getting smaller and weaker the closer I got to the top. "Shit!" I yelled as I lost my grip on the ledge and I fell backwards towards the water. It was actually a pretty decent height. After about a seven foot drop I landed in the water, thankful that I didn't hit any of the rocks. I quickly resurfaced and took a breather. That impact of hitting the water knocked all of the wind out of me. Suddenly I felt something grab onto my leg and pull me under. Luckily I had enough time to take in a breath. Whatever pulled me under was pulling me deeper and deeper, and I began to feel the pressure, along with the lightheadedness that came with holding your breath for too long. I had to get out of there. I tried swiping at my kidnapper's arm, but this guy was tough. I decided to try another trick. I reached down and grabbed the guy's elbow, and then jabbed at the spot right in the middle. He let go of me instantly, obviously confused as hell over what just happened. I took that as my chance to swim back to the surface. I jumped out of the water and onto the tallest outcropping of rock I could find. I saw the others at the shore looking relieved when they saw that I was alright. I looked down and was surprised to see someone staring back at me. He gave me an angry and irritated look and flipped me off. I returned the gesture with an equally irritated look. We had a little stare-off for a few minutes before I sighed and started hopping on the rocks back to the shore. He tried to follow but the water started getting too shallow and too full of rocks. When I got back onto solid ground, everyone started asking me what had happened. One minute I was climbing the cliff, the next I was gone. "I have no idea." I replied. What had happened?

Eridan's POV
Is it gonna fall yet- oh! There was a splash and I saw the human crash into the water. Noww's my chance! I stealthily swam up to it and grabbed its uh, what's it called? Leg? Yeah. I grabbed its leg and started to pull it under. It was still for a few seconds before trying to bat at my arm. It didn't really do anything, given the fact that it was underwater. Suddenly it grabbed my arm and jabbed something into my elbow. An immense pain shot up my arm and I let go. Wwhat the hell wwas THAT?! I thought before realizing that I had let go of the human. I went after it, but it was too late. It was on a large rock outcropping, out of my reach. Dammit! Wwhy did I havve to let go of it? I thought as I looked up at it. Now that I could see it better, I saw that it was female. She turned to look down at me and I gave her an angry and irritated look. Then I flipped her off. She returned the look and flipped me off before hopping across the rocks and back to the shore where eight- eight other humans were standing I mean wow aren't they supposed to be rare?- and joining them. I followed her for as long as I could. I watched as the other humans questioned and fussed over her and asking what had just happened. She gave them a really confused look and said she didn't know. Wwoww. She reelly (haha fish puns) doesn't knoww wwhat just happened to her? Humans must not be vvery smart. I shifted my gaze to the creature next to her. It looked like a snake, but with a human upper half. And horns. I tried to remember the types of land creatures I had learned about. Oh! A Captor. Wwhat's one of  those doin all the wway out here? I thought as I watched them head back into the forest. Maybe one of them will come back tonight. Who knows.

Cass's POV
After the questioning and the whole 'be more careful next time' lecture, we finally headed back to the forest. I was still curious on what had happened to me, so of course I thought it was a good idea to sneak out tonight to try to find out. Eh, maybe I won't find anything, but it was worth a try.

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